strange that i had a major tummy ache when i got home. how did that happen?
Friday, June 30, 2006
strange that i had a major tummy ache when i got home. how did that happen?
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

yay, i am going to miss regular trips to baskin-robbins. but i sure will appreciate it if i make it to 90.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

then there are things we really want to control, but can't--what people think of us, how others behave, how much of a raise we'll get (wouldn't that be swell), etc. the hardest thing, a lot of days for me, is not allowing certain situations to bother me.
for example, i really do hate it that the cph treats me like a leper. and that oscar de la grouch barely tolerates me. and that my supervisor can't see all the good work i do. and that his right hand still doesn't trust me to do my job regardless of the strides i've made. it bugs me when oscar and the coworker that sits on the other side of my cube have whispered conversations that may or may not be about me.
but all of the above are things out of my control. and as difficult as it is for me not to care and not to allow it to effect me, that's what i have to do. unfortunately, for me, i'm one of those pathetic people that wants everyone to like them, even though that's not really possible.
so, i've learned to listen to my ipod as much as possible. i've learned that if people talk about me, even to my supervisor, there's nothing i can really do, except do my best every day. and that doesn't mean i go to work with a "fuck you" attitude every day, it really doesn't. nope, it means that i have to minimize the ammunition i give others to think less of me. kinda like that old army slogan, i need to be all i can be.
for someone who is super-sensitive and gets her feelings hurt over silly things, i feel like i'm going against my nature as i practice george constanza. but, that's what it takes. i just wish it wasn't so damn hard. i guess i'm lucky that i don't have to wear a puffy shirt, huh? (note: only "seinfeld" fans will get the reference, sorry!)
Monday, June 26, 2006
Cheese Pizza |
![]() Traditional and comforting. You focus on living a quality life. You're not easily impressed with novelty. Yet, you easily impress others. |
anyway, my boss said some nice things--that the whole selection team felt that i did a really good job, that i'm a go-getter, that i answered the questions maturely and really thought out my answers. and that was nice. the deal breaker, as we were neck-and-neck, is that they talked to a bunch of people and everyone gave her rave reviews, while some people felt like they had to manage some of the processes with me more. which i thought was interesting because any time you try to do anything on your own or take initiative, you can get in trouble. i am very cautious and tentative because you have to get permissions for a lot of stuff--you can't just, for example, send out information about a product line, without letting 20 people know. it's weird.
and as my boss pointed out, the gal who got the job had an unfair advantage because she already worked with the product line. but again, it's alright--she's the right fit for the position and i get that. i will even congratulate her, sincerely, and probably route a card for everyone to sign in an effort to show that i can be a gracious loser.
hopefully, another opportunity will come up, so we'll see. my boss was pleased that i took a risk, put myself "out there", and followed through on wanting to move ahead. and the timing actually works out, as my mid-year review / individual development plan meeting with him is tomorrow and we'll just cover the same ground without it being a surprise.
i'm sure i'll hear the same stuff, but it will be easier to take. it probably sounds like i'm being a big ole baby sourpuss, but i've taken constructive criticism my whole career, and just once i would like the glowing praise that i feel like i've earned.
regardless, i'm okay. and i'll continue to be okay.
yay, it feels as good as it looks

Sunday, June 25, 2006
so, here's what happened. i was fired from my current job. i don't know why. all i know is that it was instantaneous. all i can remember, in the nightmare, is that it was a wednesday and i was going to be gone the next day.
when i told the adorable one, well, i think it freaked him out, because i didn't get any comfort or reassurance from him. mostly because maybe he thinks it could happen again, even though i'm more secure and safe and happy in a job than i've probably ever been. but that doesn't change the doubt the adorable one has in me. the doubt he refuses to mention.
because it's like cheating. once you've cheated, you'll cheat again. the thing is, i've worked so hard to be a different person at work--the best person i can be. i've talked about it numerous times in the blog, the changes i've made. and if i had to guess i would say this all came from the anxiety of interviewing, the tension from the cph, and the drama between our admin and our technology liaison (long story), which i've been dragged into against my will. even though i'm practicing george constanza!
why, oh why, can't i just dream of scooters? or swimming pools? or key west? arg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
where was i? oh yay. so we go to target last night because my twin wanted a featherbed. unfortunately, they didn't have any in stock. so the adorable one and bought a new mattress pad. lush! and we figured, well hell, while we're here, we can pick up the palmolive, cinnamon, and pepper.
guess what? there were no 25-ounce bottles to be had. only the 13-0unce size. bastards. what does colgate-palmolive think they are doing? if they are phasing out the purple stuff, they are phasing out my purchasing of their products. hell hath no fury like a product-scorned woman. besides, i've kinda been jonesing to try that new dawn foaming stuff. oh, i get it--i'm sad. drat!
fast forward 11 years, and the adorable one and i move into together. we invested in fab mattresses thanks to a coworker's suggestion, and they were worth every penny. mom and dad gave us a nice comforter, which weighs like a thousand pounds, seriously. you could survive a nuclear holocaust in that thing, not that you would want to. but i digress. so, we purchased a cute violet/lavender/lilac summer quilt that is divinity. it's light, it's girly, and purpley. i mean, can it get any better? it's doubtful, really.
so we bought sheets to match and they've held up nicely. even better than the jersey sheets we picked up last year at bed, bath & beyond. we're horridly hard on bedding, which may explain why those sheets have gone to the resting spot in the sky. realizing we needed a new set, we headed back to bb&b, and armed with two coupons, bought a 420 thread-count hotel sheet set. and are they luxe, hoo wee!
the funny thing is, for us at least, we're not even at the top of the thread-sheet pyramid, so it's only up from here. what's spooky is when we get stoked about things like mattress covers. luckily, target had them on sale and we snapped up one, a fieldcrest 600-count puffy thing, for $52. score!
can you tell we're old?

Saturday, June 24, 2006
Thursday, June 22, 2006
you know what? i will look back, a year from now, and be really happy about how i spent my afternoon. i wonder if the snotbot will feel the same. i doubt it. and you know what i say to that? "too bad for fucking you." ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
gosh, i sure hope it's not obvious that i hate her.
it just makes me wish i was on a show, be worthless, and get paid tons of cash. what am i doing wrong?!
once lunch is over, we headed out to our seats, which were leather-covered and cushy, like movie theater seats, and even had cupholders. we were three rows from the field and right next to the royals dugout, which was amazing. i've never been that close at a sporting event.
if you think it doesn't get any better, you would be wrong. because we had a server that constantly came by to bring us whatever we wanted--drinks, crackerjax, popcorn, nachos, cookies, hotdogs, malts, bombpops, ice cream sandwiches, cheesebrats, peanuts, wings, etc. and then everything you can possibly think of to drink.
and so you just sit and enjoy. for once, the royals were on a hot streak, as they scored 15 runs and were fun to watch. the people-watching was fab, the hecklers hilarious (i have a slew of new sayings, thanks freaks behind us!), and my sun tan is looking awesome.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
You Are Duck |
![]() Exotic and unusual, you are a bit of a rare bird - literally. You're known for being soft and succulent, though at times you can be a bit greasy. |
however, to my defense, i am a "blow your socks off" interviewer and i did something that i don't think the other candidates thought of or did--i prepared a brief leave-behind, a simple three-page marketing piece on why i should get the job. really and truly, i thought it was quite brilliant. another friend of mine, my twin (amy), did something like that an interview and got the job, but then again, she was perfect for it.
regardless, according to the adorable one, who put up with my super crabby ass when i got home, said it best--that is, if i don't get the job, it's because whoever they chose flat-out beat me. he doesn't think it will have anything to do with tenure or seniority--it will come down to the person who took it up a notch from the bar i set.
so, we'll see. the important thing for me, right now, is not allowing myself to be crushed when i don't get the promotion, as it's gonna sting. especially if they give it the cph (cabbage patch head), the new nickname provided by the adorable one. isn't he great?
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
this could have to do with the paranoia i'm feeling regarding the resurgence of our old foe at work, cabbage patch head, who has been acting freakish, puckish, and like i'm public enemy numero uno. weird, huh? so the deal of it is, we are both up for a position (a slight promotion in our group, but a promotion nonetheless) and i think it's causing tension or uncomfortableness on her part, because she's been a pain-in-the-patootie big time.
every time i turn around, she's sending me some heinous email with her underpants in a wad about something else for me to fix/resolve. naturally, i wanna yell at her, "back off beeyotch!" but the george constanza in me says otherwise.
Monday, June 19, 2006

have any you wanna donate? the mailbox is open for business.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
Thursday, June 15, 2006
once again, trumping her ace and proving that i'm not "that angry person" makes me giggle with glee. never said i wasn't evil people. just not angry. in your face!
while the ending is predictable, it doesn't make up for the torture you have to wade through until the end. it's like surviving a prison term because all you want is for it to be over.
so, it's safe to say, with no hesitation or doubt, that i will never see the flick. happy suffering to you suckas that cough up the cash to watch poor anne hathaway suffer for a couple of hours.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
i have to say that after years of therapy and being with the adorable one (who is studying to be a psychologist, true story), i have a better understanding of what makes my mom tick and how not to be reactive when she's trying to push my buttons.
while i could pen a book titled, "she's just not that into you: what to do when your mom doesn't really like you", the truth is, my mom probably does love me, despite the fact that it doesn't seem like it. i know, i get it, it's weird. let's move on. anyway, the point of this whole post is that i had to have a conversation with my mom where if you listened to us you would have sworn i was the mother and she was the kid.
and although my life is not going to end up like a nice and tidy disney flick, i've learned how to walk in another person's shoes. not saying i like it, but it is what it is.
as a sidenote, the parental, or should i say, kids, are coming over to the house on sunday. no doubt my dinner will suck, but hopefully we can all just get along. who said parenting was easy?!
1 (16-ounce) package of penne pasta
1 1/2 tablespoons butter (i used two, cuz i l-o-v-e butter)
1/2 cup chopped red onion (a fav of the adorable one, just an fyi)
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 pound skinless, boneless chicken breast halves-cut into bite-size pieces
1 (14-ounce) can of artichoke hearts in water
1 tomato, chopped
1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese
3 tablespoons fresh chopped parsley
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon dried oregano
salt and fresh pepper to taste
1. in a large pot of boiling salted water, cook penne pasta until al dente and drain.
2. meanwhile, in a large skillet over medium-high heat, melt butter, add onion and garlic, and cook for two minutes. add chopped chicken and continue cooking until golden brown.
3. reduce heat to medium-low. drain and chop artichoke hearts and add them, the chopped tomato, feta cheese, fresh parsley, lemon juice, dried oregano, and the drained pene pasta to the large skillet. cook until heated through, maybe two to three minutes.
4. season with salt and pepper. serve warm.
granted, my dish didn't look exactly like the pic below, but it turned out pretty decent.

Monday, June 12, 2006
last week i was walking down a hallway and saw the woman who used to be friends with me, who essentially dumped me because, as she put it, "we were going in two different directions." i haven't seen much of her lately, and i'm sad because i still miss her friendship. so i waved to her and i'm pretty sure she saw me as she was facing me, even though she was further down the hallway. and you know what she did? she completely ignored me. whether she saw me or not, it felt like the hugest snub. thankfully, i don't have the time or energy to waste worrying about her.
example #2: there's a fine line between being a malcontent and appropriately defending oneself
i was talking with a coworker, who i respect. i had asked him to serve as a reference, as i am applying for a position (a small promotion) in our group. i fully do not expect to get it, as a coworker (the previously loathed cabbagepatch head) is surely applying as well, and she's been there twice as long as me. it would only make sense as she wants to move up, just like me.
so the respected coworker sat down with me for a "heart-to-heart" about my application for the position, which he chose not to comment on, as he's on the selection committee. what he did say was something to the effect that people talk to him from time to time and lately he had heard that one of my so-called bad habits had resurfaced. essentially, he said that people had complained to him that i was not using resources (essentially that i was hoarding parts of work that other people can do).
so i had to explain that the last two projects assigned were quick turnaround and i handled them myself. but as i pointed out to him, i cannot fix problems or correct what are perceived as errors on my part if people don't speak with me directly. i can't make things better without knowing what the issue may be. so, i gave it back to him.
and told him the truth--that is, i can't sit in my cube and wonder, stew, and speculate about what other people think or say. i can only be responsible for my thoughts, my actions, and ultimately, my behavior. it's quite stephen coveyish, if i say so myself. what others think and do, well, i have not the interest any more to spend all that time wondering and worrying.
all the bad habits i used to subscribe to--the talking behind other's backs, the gossipping, the not keeping confidences--all the things that held me back, are finally part of my past. it's sad that it took so long to make the necessary changes to move forward, but it can be said there's a fine line between saying you'll do something and actually doing it.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
just look at who he chose to spend his life with. that's a joke people, a joke!
Thursday, June 08, 2006
so, it always surprises me when i work with people that expect me to stack the deck against myself. okay, unless i've eaten a brain tumor for breakfast that doesn't make any sense. why wouldn't i want to get ahead? i mean if i want a punch to the gut, i've learned to ask for feedback. then it's like having a medicine ball the size of texas thrown at my stomach.
if anything, i'm gonna work it so i come out on top. apparently this is an alien concept to some. to which i say, "boo hoo for you." 'cause i play to win bitches.
A Wee Bit Of Progress
so i went to the doctor today to check my blood pressure, since the last time i met with her, she informed me that if i didn't change my ways, i would "stroke out." and i'm not even 40. so, i've been doing a little walking and trying to eat (somewhat) better. due to all the walking and sweating in key west, i shed a pound and my blood pressure is a wee bit better, but she prescribed a diuretic (lowest dose possible) to start the process of getting the pressure lowered as i'm probably a good 50 points (yes, yes, yes, this is pathetic, i'm 37, i get it) above where i should be.
luckily, dan and jan's pool is open and i'm gonna be a swimming machine from now on. plus with the weather heating up, it will be great exercise and no sweating will be involved. sounds perfect. no, i don't expect to be able to do like 25 laps right off the bat, but baby steps will get me there.
i think the important thing is that i am feeling better. i'm still quite blue over being back "in the real world", but key west isn't going anywhere, and as dr. l suggested, we just need to plan our next trip. the adorable one mentioned that we need to visit his folks (they live in salt lake, and no they are not mormons), so we will probably end up doing that in late july or early august.
that's not really vacation in my mind, although we will probably stay in a luxe marriott hotel downtown, take a picnic lunch to the mountains, and hang with his folks, who are w-a-y cool.
so, i think we may look into a quick jaunt to sin city, as i've never been and i hear the people watching is fabulous. we're not into gambling, but our addiction to fine dining will be just as killer to the checking account.
would like to go back to mexico, but i think if it's up to the adorable one, we'll just head back to the harbor inn. which is just fine by me. just ready to go now. yay, we so need to win the lottery. lordy!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006