Tuesday, June 13, 2006

It's Like Freaky Friday, Sans The Friday

my mom and i have never had an easy relationship. i'm not going to recount every argument, disagreement, spat, difference of opinion, therapy sessions, or sabbaticals we've taken from each other. that would require hours, days, nay years of writing. and you would find it fairly dull and think that i'm one of those people that carries all that family baggage around.

i have to say that after years of therapy and being with the adorable one (who is studying to be a psychologist, true story), i have a better understanding of what makes my mom tick and how not to be reactive when she's trying to push my buttons.

while i could pen a book titled, "she's just not that into you: what to do when your mom doesn't really like you", the truth is, my mom probably does love me, despite the fact that it doesn't seem like it. i know, i get it, it's weird. let's move on. anyway, the point of this whole post is that i had to have a conversation with my mom where if you listened to us you would have sworn i was the mother and she was the kid.

and although my life is not going to end up like a nice and tidy disney flick, i've learned how to walk in another person's shoes. not saying i like it, but it is what it is.

as a sidenote, the parental, or should i say, kids, are coming over to the house on sunday. no doubt my dinner will suck, but hopefully we can all just get along. who said parenting was easy?!


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