Sunday, May 28, 2006
Saturday, May 27, 2006
You Know You're Old & Married When
you find cleaning products advertising interesting. for example, one day the adorable one and i were watching tv (i know, so unusual for us) and there was that guy that sells the oxyclean, maybe not. and this time he was selling this purple cleaner called kaboom. anyway, i am not usually one to be sucked into advertising, as i'm a total cynic, not just about products, but how they are marketed to us.
i'm a total swifter user and i've even tried the pledge furniture wipes, as well as those dawn dishwasher pellets. so far, swifter is the only thing that we've stuck with. although my new addiction is that purple (sensing a theme anyone? anyone) palmolive aromatherapy dishwashing liquid. it smells so good. and believe it or not, my mom turned me onto to it. yup, i'm just as surprised as you.
the latest product to catch our fancy is the dawn dishwashing foam. we haven't made the purchase yet, but the adorable one pointed out we would probably use less dishwashing liquid. since we're trying to cut down on certain things (although sushi is not part of the program), i'll provide a product review. it's the least i can do since i'm writing about cleaning products.
no, our life is not that boring. yes, i am a sucker (sometimes) for new products. anyway, if you found something that kills shower mildew, let us know. i absolutely abhor having to clean my tub. what i need is something that i can spray on, leave for a few hours and rinse off with no scrubbing involved. i mean, cleaning sucks, so why should it be any harder and take any longer than it needs to.
got a nifty product that works for you? let us know as we're always on the lookout for anything that makes our cleaning chores easier. just don't try to convert me from using lysol wipes.
i'm a total swifter user and i've even tried the pledge furniture wipes, as well as those dawn dishwasher pellets. so far, swifter is the only thing that we've stuck with. although my new addiction is that purple (sensing a theme anyone? anyone) palmolive aromatherapy dishwashing liquid. it smells so good. and believe it or not, my mom turned me onto to it. yup, i'm just as surprised as you.
the latest product to catch our fancy is the dawn dishwashing foam. we haven't made the purchase yet, but the adorable one pointed out we would probably use less dishwashing liquid. since we're trying to cut down on certain things (although sushi is not part of the program), i'll provide a product review. it's the least i can do since i'm writing about cleaning products.
no, our life is not that boring. yes, i am a sucker (sometimes) for new products. anyway, if you found something that kills shower mildew, let us know. i absolutely abhor having to clean my tub. what i need is something that i can spray on, leave for a few hours and rinse off with no scrubbing involved. i mean, cleaning sucks, so why should it be any harder and take any longer than it needs to.
got a nifty product that works for you? let us know as we're always on the lookout for anything that makes our cleaning chores easier. just don't try to convert me from using lysol wipes.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Dreams Of Crashing & Peeing
last week i had a dream that i was driving the trusty ole civic and i was coming up to an intersection that i think was under a bridge or overpass. and there was a white van in front of me. and for some reason my brakes didn't work and i crashed right into the van. and i knew i was gonna crash and there was nothing i could do about it. i would normally relate this dream to something like "my life is out of control", but i've had dreams of crashing my car before. if anything, it was probably a cautionary jibe from my subconscious about my wayward spending of late, as i picked up a couple of new purses (on sale people!) last week. I spent $50 total--one was originally $75, marked down to $36 and is genuine leather. it will last me the rest of my life, no joke.
plus, it's black with gold buckle things, very classy--it's the kind of purse that would never go out of style, as it's got clean lines. i love a good buy, obviously. the other purse is purely for summer--it's made out of wicker and has this pink leather strap. and it's pretty small, so it will go with us to key west next week. i'll snap pics over the weekend and upload as i'm sure you can't wait to drool over my latest splurges. if i wasn't me, i would. kidding, kidding! seriously, don't take me seriously. i'm a total joker, as anyone will attest.
uh, where was i? okay, so back to the dreams. for weeks now, just about every night, i dream about having to find a restroom. problem is, no matter what dream i'm in, i can't find a decent place to pee. which is probably a very good thing or i would be wetting the bed. bad, bad, bad.
and since i knocked over our new (and significantly larger, ahem) garbage can when i drove into the garage today, the adorable one would never, ever let me live it down. trust me, the man, as cute as he is, would remind me of the silly things i do. then again, i regularly tell him what a stinkbomb stinkfest he is, so he's probably justified. maybe.
anyway, i don't know why i can't just have pleasant dreams of laying around on the beach. or lounging in a hammock. or eating sushi. me and the subconscious have gotta have a come to jesus meeting, as these pee dreams have gotta go. no pun intended. seriously.
plus, it's black with gold buckle things, very classy--it's the kind of purse that would never go out of style, as it's got clean lines. i love a good buy, obviously. the other purse is purely for summer--it's made out of wicker and has this pink leather strap. and it's pretty small, so it will go with us to key west next week. i'll snap pics over the weekend and upload as i'm sure you can't wait to drool over my latest splurges. if i wasn't me, i would. kidding, kidding! seriously, don't take me seriously. i'm a total joker, as anyone will attest.
uh, where was i? okay, so back to the dreams. for weeks now, just about every night, i dream about having to find a restroom. problem is, no matter what dream i'm in, i can't find a decent place to pee. which is probably a very good thing or i would be wetting the bed. bad, bad, bad.
and since i knocked over our new (and significantly larger, ahem) garbage can when i drove into the garage today, the adorable one would never, ever let me live it down. trust me, the man, as cute as he is, would remind me of the silly things i do. then again, i regularly tell him what a stinkbomb stinkfest he is, so he's probably justified. maybe.
anyway, i don't know why i can't just have pleasant dreams of laying around on the beach. or lounging in a hammock. or eating sushi. me and the subconscious have gotta have a come to jesus meeting, as these pee dreams have gotta go. no pun intended. seriously.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Fabulous Fajita Night At The Ohlsons
no night is perfect without the cutest of cute. yes, i speak of the adorable one in all his glory. sigh!
yes, it's narcissistic me. i'm in love with my flip-flops and pink pedicure. can't help myself, so just go with it. that's what everybody else does. trust me!
amy's fab tablescape including her rocking homemade salsa and guacamole. note the awesome mango drinkie drinks made by, yes, the adorable one. for the record, they were delish!

Monday, May 22, 2006
It Was Interesting
to meet with audrey the medium yesterday. we taped the meeting, so i'll have to go back and listen to it again, but i have to say it was interesting. she definitely had insights into people that are long gone, people that are in my life, and really how i see myself. it wasn't freaky, she didn't talk in voices or sound all ghoulie or anything like that. it was like having a conversation with, i guess the best way to say this, a group of people on the other side. on the other side of what, you ask. i think the other side of what i guess is our plane of existence.
i'm not saying that she had all the answers and knew everything about me. but she provided the peace of mind i needed. and no, it wasn't cheap. and yes, i can see why people go to her regularly.
would i do it again? yay, in a heartbeat.
i'm not saying that she had all the answers and knew everything about me. but she provided the peace of mind i needed. and no, it wasn't cheap. and yes, i can see why people go to her regularly.
would i do it again? yay, in a heartbeat.
Here Comes The Dirt
so the guy we met with last summer about fixing our pool never called back and we have made the tough decision to fill in the pool. it's still gonna cost us a chunk of change, but we've decided it's for the best. so, now we have to find a qualified, reputable dirt contractor. once the pool is filled in, we'll plant grass and get the rest of the backyard cleaned up.
in the meantime, we're meeting with our real estate agent to discuss what we need to do in the next year to get our house ready to go on the market. as we spend so much time out by where we both work, it just makes sense to live in that area. we need to find out what we need to do, fix, update at the house before putting it up for sale, so jo ann is going to come over in a couple of weeks and do an evaluation.
i like our house, i really do. it's in a nice neighborhood that is quiet with good neighbors (not that we really talk to them). but, i think we'll be happier with less of a commute and being close to all the things we like to do. i just hope that we don't have to do a ton of repairs and whatnot to the house, and i really hope we find a house we like. which is gonna be tough as we're super picky. and oh yay, it's gotta have a pool. natch!
in the meantime, we're meeting with our real estate agent to discuss what we need to do in the next year to get our house ready to go on the market. as we spend so much time out by where we both work, it just makes sense to live in that area. we need to find out what we need to do, fix, update at the house before putting it up for sale, so jo ann is going to come over in a couple of weeks and do an evaluation.
i like our house, i really do. it's in a nice neighborhood that is quiet with good neighbors (not that we really talk to them). but, i think we'll be happier with less of a commute and being close to all the things we like to do. i just hope that we don't have to do a ton of repairs and whatnot to the house, and i really hope we find a house we like. which is gonna be tough as we're super picky. and oh yay, it's gotta have a pool. natch!
Thursday, May 18, 2006
The Weekend Is Here Bitches & Ours Is Jampacked
it seems like the first time in ages that we have a full weekend, and by full, i mean we have all kinds of plans and activities. so, instead of sitting on our duffs, yes, we'll be zooming all over the place. thankfully, friday night is our take it easy, eat leftovers, and relax evening. maybe watch a little "mystery men" on vhs from the library or some other movie.
saturday is gonna be a blast and wonderful and fabulous. why? well, let's see. it starts out at our favorite spot for breakfast (oh lordy, so good). then at 11:00 a.m., i am using the spa gift certificate the adorable one bought me for chanukah and getting a 90-minute swedish massage, a deluxe pedicure, and standard manicure. these are things i never get to do or really treat myself to, so i am over the moon with happiness on the pampering that awaits. yup, i'm your garden-variety princess, no doubt about it.
i'll probably take a nap when i get home and then we're going to matt and amy's for a fajitas, buckets of guacamole (my personal fav), salsa, drinkies evening. they have the most perfect, pottery-barn decorated house, with a nice deck, and are a ball to hang out with. amy is my separated-at-twin from birth in the mental department as we think exactly alike. except that she's really fiscally conservative and i love, love, love to shop and yes, i love, love, love to spend money. she's a really good shopper, and i'm not too bad, but she can say "no" more than me.
on sunday, audrey the medium is coming over for our session, which i have to say i'm really looking forward to, and of course, will write about. in the early afternoon, we're picking up dan and jan to see "the da vinci code," which unfortunately is getting lukewarm reviews that include the terms, "unintentionally funny" and "tom hanks is wooden." not really good, but we'll leave our brains at the door and just enjoy.
and then probably a very relaxing sunday afternoon/evening with the most adorable one ever and our girls. wow, if only i didn't have to go back to work on monday.
saturday is gonna be a blast and wonderful and fabulous. why? well, let's see. it starts out at our favorite spot for breakfast (oh lordy, so good). then at 11:00 a.m., i am using the spa gift certificate the adorable one bought me for chanukah and getting a 90-minute swedish massage, a deluxe pedicure, and standard manicure. these are things i never get to do or really treat myself to, so i am over the moon with happiness on the pampering that awaits. yup, i'm your garden-variety princess, no doubt about it.
i'll probably take a nap when i get home and then we're going to matt and amy's for a fajitas, buckets of guacamole (my personal fav), salsa, drinkies evening. they have the most perfect, pottery-barn decorated house, with a nice deck, and are a ball to hang out with. amy is my separated-at-twin from birth in the mental department as we think exactly alike. except that she's really fiscally conservative and i love, love, love to shop and yes, i love, love, love to spend money. she's a really good shopper, and i'm not too bad, but she can say "no" more than me.
on sunday, audrey the medium is coming over for our session, which i have to say i'm really looking forward to, and of course, will write about. in the early afternoon, we're picking up dan and jan to see "the da vinci code," which unfortunately is getting lukewarm reviews that include the terms, "unintentionally funny" and "tom hanks is wooden." not really good, but we'll leave our brains at the door and just enjoy.
and then probably a very relaxing sunday afternoon/evening with the most adorable one ever and our girls. wow, if only i didn't have to go back to work on monday.
Option #2
so the pool guy called and it would cost us $26k (owwwww!) to essentially put in a new pool, so as much as we like the guy, we have to turn him down, as that's w-a-y more than we want to have a loan for. i mean, we could have maybe swung like $20k. maybe. but it would have really caused us to budget hard. for which we are not famous.
so the adorable one left a message for the guy we met with last summer that was about $7-9k less. which still is a lot of moola, don't get us wrong, but it's more manageable. and we miss the pool. okay, i miss the pool. the adorable one misses being mr. pool guy, which involes the following:
1. making sure the chemicals are balanced
2. backwashing the system
3. cleaning out the filter
4. adding chlorine and "shocking" the pool when needed
5. vacuuming the pool
i know, it sounds super crazy, but he seems to like this stuff. must be a man thing. me? oh, i'm the one that lounges and floats for hours on end with almost all of me submersed in the water, staring straight up at the sky, watching the birds, the airplanes, etc. i love it in our backyard, i really do. and i hope we can get the darn thing fixed, even if it's this fall.
thankfully, our darling friends, dan and jan, who live right by my office and who also have a pool, have said i can come over every day, which i will, believe you me. because nothing my friends, nothing is better than a pool in the summer.
if option #2 doesn't work out, it's going to be time to fill it in, plant some grass seed, maybe fix up the house some more, and dare i say it? yes, move to another house with a pool. you can say, it's okay. we're crazy. we're good with it.
so the adorable one left a message for the guy we met with last summer that was about $7-9k less. which still is a lot of moola, don't get us wrong, but it's more manageable. and we miss the pool. okay, i miss the pool. the adorable one misses being mr. pool guy, which involes the following:
1. making sure the chemicals are balanced
2. backwashing the system
3. cleaning out the filter
4. adding chlorine and "shocking" the pool when needed
5. vacuuming the pool
i know, it sounds super crazy, but he seems to like this stuff. must be a man thing. me? oh, i'm the one that lounges and floats for hours on end with almost all of me submersed in the water, staring straight up at the sky, watching the birds, the airplanes, etc. i love it in our backyard, i really do. and i hope we can get the darn thing fixed, even if it's this fall.
thankfully, our darling friends, dan and jan, who live right by my office and who also have a pool, have said i can come over every day, which i will, believe you me. because nothing my friends, nothing is better than a pool in the summer.
if option #2 doesn't work out, it's going to be time to fill it in, plant some grass seed, maybe fix up the house some more, and dare i say it? yes, move to another house with a pool. you can say, it's okay. we're crazy. we're good with it.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
The Meet Is Set
audrey (the medium) is coming over on sunday at 10:00 a.m. to meet with me. i am hoping to get some answers, resolution, and perhaps closure. i've never done anything like this before, but i'm open to what else is out there. i'm ready, so wish me luck.
I Got Me Some Exercise
my best gal pal amy picked me up, right on time, at 4:45 p.m. and we went to southlake park for a good walk. she jogged for part of the time and i only made two laps around the lake, but it felt good. and even though my back was killing me and i wasn't walking very fast, it was worth it. just gotta keep doing it and luckily in amy i have a dedicated friend and walking partner.
then the adorable one grilled burgers for dinner. i feel gouda.
then the adorable one grilled burgers for dinner. i feel gouda.
A Posting By The Adorable One (On My Behalf, Natch)
for the second time in what seems like less than a month, this supersized silver/gray ford truck totally tailgated me on the exit ramp, whipped around me once i was on nall, and then raced to the stoplight, only to be cut off by the same black camero that cut him off last time. so, i mentioned this to the adorable one, who penned this note to the race car driver.
dear mario andretti:
we are impressed by the stunt driving you did to get into the parking lot 10 seconds sooner. i bet you are filled with a major sense of accomplishment. nobody dares to follow your example. mainly because nobody is in that big of a hurry to get to work. maybe one day you can save 15 seconds. imagine what you will do with all that free time. good luck in your future endeavors, and you better not crash into me.
princess superstar
and yes, i am printing out the note (sans the signature) and leaving it for ole mario.
dear mario andretti:
we are impressed by the stunt driving you did to get into the parking lot 10 seconds sooner. i bet you are filled with a major sense of accomplishment. nobody dares to follow your example. mainly because nobody is in that big of a hurry to get to work. maybe one day you can save 15 seconds. imagine what you will do with all that free time. good luck in your future endeavors, and you better not crash into me.
princess superstar
and yes, i am printing out the note (sans the signature) and leaving it for ole mario.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Back On Track
a year ago, about this time, our pool, which is about 30 years ago, sprung a major leak as the liner ripped. we knew it was going to happen sooner or later, we were just hoping for later. we met with a few pool renovation companies, but never made a decision on what we were going to do, as it would cost, at a minimum, $17,000 to repair. i know what you are thinking--do these people have money trees in their backyard? the answer to that is a resounding, "no!" because if we did, we would already have the pool repaired.
anyway, the pool, or rather the pit, with it's caved in wall, sat dormant all summer as i worked a gazillion hours of overtime and we never got around to doing anything about getting prequalified to refinance the house or get a home equity loan. something changed with the adorable one today because he called two pool contractors, one of which came over this evening. it was a guy recommended by a coworker that built her pool and from the sound of it, this is probably the guy we're going to hire, if we're able to fund the project.
so, we'll be off to visit with banks in the next week or two to discuss our options and see how much we can qualify for, as i think this project is going to run us, oh lord, i hate to type this, like $24,000. now, we may never get our money out of the pool and that's okay with us, it really is. the adorable one has at least three years of schooling left to finish his undergraduate as he goes part-time. if it ends up working out, the adorable one may even go to graduate school here. which would be more years with the pool.
i don't really think i can explain what the pool means to me. i have always wanted to live in a house with a pool and for two years, it was really incredible and wonderful. in many ways, it saved me the summer after i got fired. there's something so therapeutic and relaxing about water. i feel at home and at peace in water. that's why i am so drawn to the ocean.
i find it calming and reassuring and soothing. and the pool, the pool was a respite from the awful job at the toxic waste dump. it was my private sanctuary from the rest of the world. and i never really thought we would get it fixed--i thought the adorable one would end up saying that we would have to fill it in and then grow grass. ugh.
i know it sounds selfish and shallow and vapid and superficial, but i've missed the pool something awful. i've craved being back in the pool, enjoying the backyard, floating and looking up at the blue sky. and for the first time in over a year, i feel good, really good about the direction we're going.
and hey, i'm walking with a gal pal after work, which is my first baby steps towards getting in shape and getting myself back to the way i was. i used to be fierce. i could run for 45 minutes on the treadmill. i could do squats. and i'm going to be that girl again.
anyway, the pool, or rather the pit, with it's caved in wall, sat dormant all summer as i worked a gazillion hours of overtime and we never got around to doing anything about getting prequalified to refinance the house or get a home equity loan. something changed with the adorable one today because he called two pool contractors, one of which came over this evening. it was a guy recommended by a coworker that built her pool and from the sound of it, this is probably the guy we're going to hire, if we're able to fund the project.
so, we'll be off to visit with banks in the next week or two to discuss our options and see how much we can qualify for, as i think this project is going to run us, oh lord, i hate to type this, like $24,000. now, we may never get our money out of the pool and that's okay with us, it really is. the adorable one has at least three years of schooling left to finish his undergraduate as he goes part-time. if it ends up working out, the adorable one may even go to graduate school here. which would be more years with the pool.
i don't really think i can explain what the pool means to me. i have always wanted to live in a house with a pool and for two years, it was really incredible and wonderful. in many ways, it saved me the summer after i got fired. there's something so therapeutic and relaxing about water. i feel at home and at peace in water. that's why i am so drawn to the ocean.
i find it calming and reassuring and soothing. and the pool, the pool was a respite from the awful job at the toxic waste dump. it was my private sanctuary from the rest of the world. and i never really thought we would get it fixed--i thought the adorable one would end up saying that we would have to fill it in and then grow grass. ugh.
i know it sounds selfish and shallow and vapid and superficial, but i've missed the pool something awful. i've craved being back in the pool, enjoying the backyard, floating and looking up at the blue sky. and for the first time in over a year, i feel good, really good about the direction we're going.
and hey, i'm walking with a gal pal after work, which is my first baby steps towards getting in shape and getting myself back to the way i was. i used to be fierce. i could run for 45 minutes on the treadmill. i could do squats. and i'm going to be that girl again.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Thursday, May 11, 2006
It's A Freakin' Mystery
because the adorable is a drummer, he is attracted like a moth to anything having to do with bands. he's especially fond of the vh1 series "behind the music." unfortunately for me, the adorable one loves heavy metal music--for some reason if it makes your ears bleed, well he listens to it. and enjoys it. bleh.
naturally the bands that rode the rollercoaster of fame and ended up crashing and burning were the hair bands of the 1980s--music i totally hated then and now. so those are the bands featured on the series. what's hard to watch is these talentless people make a ton of money and still spiral out of control. and even stranger? the adorable one loves watching each episode.
luckily, there's normal me--i mean you can't go wrong with great shows like "buffy: the vampire slayer", "the a-team", and "zena: warrior princess."
naturally the bands that rode the rollercoaster of fame and ended up crashing and burning were the hair bands of the 1980s--music i totally hated then and now. so those are the bands featured on the series. what's hard to watch is these talentless people make a ton of money and still spiral out of control. and even stranger? the adorable one loves watching each episode.
luckily, there's normal me--i mean you can't go wrong with great shows like "buffy: the vampire slayer", "the a-team", and "zena: warrior princess."
All Hail The Queen Mum
so i found this at pajamagram and had it shipped to my mom. hope she likes, but probably not. in which case, it can shine in all it's pink perfection at our abode. either way, here's a an early shout-out to my mom, who i love.

And To Think, I'm Not A Fan Of Jelly Beans
You Are a Cherry Jelly Bean |
![]() Sweet yet strong, you have a distinct personality without being a weirdo. You're the most normal of all flavors - but you're never boring. |
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
I'm Doing It
a few months ago i wrote about meeting with a medium. she usually conducts her business over the phone as she lives in california. my dear friend melissa has known the medium for years and swears by her. now, i'm one of the biggest cynics you'll find.
anyway, the medium is coming to town to visit melissa, and wrote her that it would be fine if we met for a session. i have unanswered questions. some that might seem stupid to other people, but i'm going forward with it. part of me wants to believe that there is more to life than what we experience in our daily existence. and part of me needs to know that people who are now gone are doing okay.
am i crazy? maybe. but i feel good about this and i'm sure of my decision.
anyway, the medium is coming to town to visit melissa, and wrote her that it would be fine if we met for a session. i have unanswered questions. some that might seem stupid to other people, but i'm going forward with it. part of me wants to believe that there is more to life than what we experience in our daily existence. and part of me needs to know that people who are now gone are doing okay.
am i crazy? maybe. but i feel good about this and i'm sure of my decision.
I Find It Helpful
if i'm annoyed at work to listen to music really loudly on my ipod. i just tune out everyone and listen to usually one song, over and over, which usually helps me work through being pissed off. today i was one with the new nick lachey single, "what's left of me." why? i think the lyrics, "i don't wanna waste another day stuck in the shadow of my mistakes" really spoke to me.
yay, i get it. he's talking about ole jessica simpson. i'm thinking about the decisions we make that haunt us. maybe because i had to make a tough one yesterday that involved me telling someone "no", which is highly unusual in my job. i know i made the right decision and one of my coworkers confirmed it to me. but my supervisor, who i do really like, instead of backing me, kinda criticized me for it.
no job or boss is perfect. everyone gets annoyed at work, right? i mean, who doesn't go to work, week in and week out and not get pissed about something? the reason i ask is because some times i feel like if i complain then the gal who i used to be friends with, the one who considers me an angry person, is right about me. and i really wouldn't want that.
yay, i get it. he's talking about ole jessica simpson. i'm thinking about the decisions we make that haunt us. maybe because i had to make a tough one yesterday that involved me telling someone "no", which is highly unusual in my job. i know i made the right decision and one of my coworkers confirmed it to me. but my supervisor, who i do really like, instead of backing me, kinda criticized me for it.
no job or boss is perfect. everyone gets annoyed at work, right? i mean, who doesn't go to work, week in and week out and not get pissed about something? the reason i ask is because some times i feel like if i complain then the gal who i used to be friends with, the one who considers me an angry person, is right about me. and i really wouldn't want that.
Who Knew It Was So Relaxing
to listen to books on cd while driving? sheesh, i had no clue! i just started "the highest tide" by jim lynch, which is about a 13-year-old boy's love of the sea during a summer that will change his life, and the lives around him. it's narrated by fisher stevens, who i usually don't really care for, but it doesn't really matter, because instead of being all stressed out by my commute home, i just drove home, calm as can be.
the adorable one has been listening to books on cd for a couple months now and i see why he's addicted. talk about fab-u-lous. try it, you'll like it.
the adorable one has been listening to books on cd for a couple months now and i see why he's addicted. talk about fab-u-lous. try it, you'll like it.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Pencil Me In As A Gatecrasher
so i was reading pants the other day and noticed another meme is circulating the blog universe. because i am a newbie blogger, and because no one knows of me, i'm just gonna gatecrash here and answer the questions. i'm hesitant to tag anyone, as i never know how people will react, so if you read this blog and have your own, feel free to gatecrash along with me.
1. when was the last time you had sex?
what goes on in the bedroom stays in the bedroom. 'nuf said you nosy squirts.
2. how do you flush the toilet in public?
gingerly, with minimum contact as possible. this is followed by furious handwashing.
3. do you wear your seatbelt in the car?
hell yes. always have, always will.
4. do you have a crush on someone?
yes, the adorable one. it's a lifelong obsession, er attraction.
5. name one thing you start to get tense about if you are close to running out of.
zoloft, since let's face it, i am addicted to being on an antidepressant.
6. what famous person do you (or other people) think you resemble?
7. what is your favorite pizza topping?
cheese, natch. i also like pineapple and canadian bacon.
8. this question is missing, so i'll just say that i also resemble, in personality
oscar the grouch
9. do you crack your knuckles?
absolutely not (gross), but i do pick at my cuticles.
10. what song do you hate most when it gets stuck in your head?
"money, money, money" (the theme to "the apprentice") or that awful song that is the opener for "blow out" on bravo
11. did just mentioning that song make it get stuck in your head?
12. what are your super powers?
my scathing wit that cuts both ways
13. what is the hardest thing you have faced?
being fired.
14. where are your car keys?
in my purse, where they always are.
15. whose answers to this questionnaire do you want to hear?
styro, will & mincemeat vixen
16. what is your most annoying habit?
does snoring count? how about farting? according to the adorable one it would be my tv viewing habits, but this comes from a person who regularly watches shows on ufos, crop circles, big foot, ghosts/ghoulies, goblins, etc. i mean, c'mon, he doesn't even get the brilliance that is "miami vice." sheesh!
17. where did you go on your last vacation?
beaver lake in arkansas, where we stayed in this awesome cottage with a glass wall that faced the lake.
18. if you could punch one person in the nose and get away with it, who would it be?
wow, what a long list--let's see, we would start with dr. jekyll/miss hyde, then it would be the head of shitty krappy & worthless, and after that it would be this ex-wichita state bball player.
19. what is my best physical feature?
my legs (according to the adorable one), although i would vote for my brain.
20. what cd is closest to you right now?
the soundtrack for "layercake"
21. what three things can always be found in your refrigerator?
unsalted butter, yogurt, and salsa. oh, and diet coke.
22. what superstition do you believe/practice?
black cat crossing your path and walking under a ladder can cause bad luck.
23. - 24. questions also missing
25. do you talk on your cellphone when you drive?
26. what would have your name have been if you had been born the opposite gender? if you don't know what name your parents would have chosen, what name would you chose for your other-gendered self?
i would go with jack, cause that just seems like a cool name.
27. what song(s) do you sing most often in the shower?
the new madonna song, "sorry"
28. if you could go forward or backward in time and where would you go?
if i could go back in time, i think i would re-live my wedding day, but i would want to be employed like i am now, so i don't know how that would work. the day flew by so fast and i just wish i could have gotten up earlier and really relished the moments. if i could forward in time, i would want to be alive when space travel is common place and going to the planets is a normal thing.
29. what is your favorite harrison ford movie?
man, it's a toss-up between "star wars" and "raiders of the lost ark"--just can't choose.
30. what cd is in your stereo?
i'm listening to "the highest tide" (a book on cd) by jim lynch.
31. what ocd qualities do you have?
i probably lock my car (when i'm in it and when i get out) at least two or three times. also, my work desk has to be positively spotless.
32. how many kids do you want to have?
we hate kids, so the answer is zero.
33. if you could kiss anyone famous who would it be?
wow, that's a toughie. i would have to go with viggo mortenson. two other guys that were in "lord of the rings" with him, karl urban (eomer) and marton csokas (celeborn, the elf king) are totally kissworthy. and from new zealand! coincidence? i think not.
34. would you really want to kiss someone you didn't know, even if they are famous?
i think i would be okay with it, the kiss. but the guilt that would follow would eat me up, as i consider kissing anyone other than my beloved to be cheating/breaking my marriage vows. so, when push comes to shove, i couldn't do it.
35. what do you do when no one is watching?
talk to myself, make faces at people, sing along to my ipod.
36. if they make a movie about your life, what actor/actress would be the best for the job?
sarah michelle gellar.
37. would you rather die in a blaze of glory or die peacefully in your sleep?
peaceful in my sleep, as i'm big on sleeping anyway.
38. what candy, from when you were a kid, do you miss the most?
chicklets and wrigley's fruit zebra stripe gum
39. what is your favorite kid's movie?
harriett the spy
40. favorite musician(s)/bands you've seen in concert?
41. have you ever been in love?
yup and positively, with the adorable one.
42. do you talk to yourself?
all the time, natch.
43. is there anyone you wish would fall off the earth?
for real? absolutely--if i could make it happen, believe me, it would be done.
44. would you steal from the rich?
of course.
1. when was the last time you had sex?
what goes on in the bedroom stays in the bedroom. 'nuf said you nosy squirts.
2. how do you flush the toilet in public?
gingerly, with minimum contact as possible. this is followed by furious handwashing.
3. do you wear your seatbelt in the car?
hell yes. always have, always will.
4. do you have a crush on someone?
yes, the adorable one. it's a lifelong obsession, er attraction.
5. name one thing you start to get tense about if you are close to running out of.
zoloft, since let's face it, i am addicted to being on an antidepressant.
6. what famous person do you (or other people) think you resemble?
7. what is your favorite pizza topping?
cheese, natch. i also like pineapple and canadian bacon.
8. this question is missing, so i'll just say that i also resemble, in personality
oscar the grouch
9. do you crack your knuckles?
absolutely not (gross), but i do pick at my cuticles.
10. what song do you hate most when it gets stuck in your head?
"money, money, money" (the theme to "the apprentice") or that awful song that is the opener for "blow out" on bravo
11. did just mentioning that song make it get stuck in your head?
12. what are your super powers?
my scathing wit that cuts both ways
13. what is the hardest thing you have faced?
being fired.
14. where are your car keys?
in my purse, where they always are.
15. whose answers to this questionnaire do you want to hear?
styro, will & mincemeat vixen
16. what is your most annoying habit?
does snoring count? how about farting? according to the adorable one it would be my tv viewing habits, but this comes from a person who regularly watches shows on ufos, crop circles, big foot, ghosts/ghoulies, goblins, etc. i mean, c'mon, he doesn't even get the brilliance that is "miami vice." sheesh!
17. where did you go on your last vacation?
beaver lake in arkansas, where we stayed in this awesome cottage with a glass wall that faced the lake.
18. if you could punch one person in the nose and get away with it, who would it be?
wow, what a long list--let's see, we would start with dr. jekyll/miss hyde, then it would be the head of shitty krappy & worthless, and after that it would be this ex-wichita state bball player.
19. what is my best physical feature?
my legs (according to the adorable one), although i would vote for my brain.
20. what cd is closest to you right now?
the soundtrack for "layercake"
21. what three things can always be found in your refrigerator?
unsalted butter, yogurt, and salsa. oh, and diet coke.
22. what superstition do you believe/practice?
black cat crossing your path and walking under a ladder can cause bad luck.
23. - 24. questions also missing
25. do you talk on your cellphone when you drive?
26. what would have your name have been if you had been born the opposite gender? if you don't know what name your parents would have chosen, what name would you chose for your other-gendered self?
i would go with jack, cause that just seems like a cool name.
27. what song(s) do you sing most often in the shower?
the new madonna song, "sorry"
28. if you could go forward or backward in time and where would you go?
if i could go back in time, i think i would re-live my wedding day, but i would want to be employed like i am now, so i don't know how that would work. the day flew by so fast and i just wish i could have gotten up earlier and really relished the moments. if i could forward in time, i would want to be alive when space travel is common place and going to the planets is a normal thing.
29. what is your favorite harrison ford movie?
man, it's a toss-up between "star wars" and "raiders of the lost ark"--just can't choose.
30. what cd is in your stereo?
i'm listening to "the highest tide" (a book on cd) by jim lynch.
31. what ocd qualities do you have?
i probably lock my car (when i'm in it and when i get out) at least two or three times. also, my work desk has to be positively spotless.
32. how many kids do you want to have?
we hate kids, so the answer is zero.
33. if you could kiss anyone famous who would it be?
wow, that's a toughie. i would have to go with viggo mortenson. two other guys that were in "lord of the rings" with him, karl urban (eomer) and marton csokas (celeborn, the elf king) are totally kissworthy. and from new zealand! coincidence? i think not.
34. would you really want to kiss someone you didn't know, even if they are famous?
i think i would be okay with it, the kiss. but the guilt that would follow would eat me up, as i consider kissing anyone other than my beloved to be cheating/breaking my marriage vows. so, when push comes to shove, i couldn't do it.
35. what do you do when no one is watching?
talk to myself, make faces at people, sing along to my ipod.
36. if they make a movie about your life, what actor/actress would be the best for the job?
sarah michelle gellar.
37. would you rather die in a blaze of glory or die peacefully in your sleep?
peaceful in my sleep, as i'm big on sleeping anyway.
38. what candy, from when you were a kid, do you miss the most?
chicklets and wrigley's fruit zebra stripe gum
39. what is your favorite kid's movie?
harriett the spy
40. favorite musician(s)/bands you've seen in concert?
41. have you ever been in love?
yup and positively, with the adorable one.
42. do you talk to yourself?
all the time, natch.
43. is there anyone you wish would fall off the earth?
for real? absolutely--if i could make it happen, believe me, it would be done.
44. would you steal from the rich?
of course.
Monday, May 08, 2006
The Perfect Breakfast
usually every saturday morning, the adorable one have breakfast at our favorite spot, which is such a treat. for one thing, we've been going there a few years now, so the entire staff knows us, for the most part and we've been able to sample almost the entire breakfast menu, knowing that we have a few favorites that we typically order. my idea of a perfect breakfast stems from my folks taking us kids to denny's for the grand slam breakfast.
i mean, if it was up to me, every day i would have two or three scambled eggs, two or three pancakes, maybe a sausage link, hashbrowns, a pancake or two, maybe some toast or a biscuit. yay, i really like a big breakfast. and certainly i could not eat all that every day and i would weigh like a thousand pounds if i did, but lordy, it would be good.
so most mornings, my breakfast usually consists of the following:
1 12 ounce can of diet coke
1 6 ounce serving of yoplait yogurt (strawberry or strawberry cheesecake flavor)
1 banana
and then some kind of leftover--today it was a half turkey sandwich on wheat bread with dijon mustard and mayonnaise
but my absolute favorite, when i've got it, is leftover pasta from fazoli's. i know, it sounds nutty, but think about it--you got your carbs from the noodles, the meatballs are a wonderful source of protein, and the tomato sauce, well tomatoes are technically fruit, and if you add some shredded cheese, well you've got all the food groups covered. and it's filling. and delish.
when that doesn't work, the overpriced bagels from the overpriced cafeteria are a good substitute. especially with lotsa melted butter and honey.
now if they would just serve doughnuts at lunch or dinner, wherever you went, man, oh man. why hasn't anyone else thought of this? is it just me? is it?
i mean, if it was up to me, every day i would have two or three scambled eggs, two or three pancakes, maybe a sausage link, hashbrowns, a pancake or two, maybe some toast or a biscuit. yay, i really like a big breakfast. and certainly i could not eat all that every day and i would weigh like a thousand pounds if i did, but lordy, it would be good.
so most mornings, my breakfast usually consists of the following:
1 12 ounce can of diet coke
1 6 ounce serving of yoplait yogurt (strawberry or strawberry cheesecake flavor)
1 banana
and then some kind of leftover--today it was a half turkey sandwich on wheat bread with dijon mustard and mayonnaise
but my absolute favorite, when i've got it, is leftover pasta from fazoli's. i know, it sounds nutty, but think about it--you got your carbs from the noodles, the meatballs are a wonderful source of protein, and the tomato sauce, well tomatoes are technically fruit, and if you add some shredded cheese, well you've got all the food groups covered. and it's filling. and delish.
when that doesn't work, the overpriced bagels from the overpriced cafeteria are a good substitute. especially with lotsa melted butter and honey.
now if they would just serve doughnuts at lunch or dinner, wherever you went, man, oh man. why hasn't anyone else thought of this? is it just me? is it?
It's A Hoot (Seriously)
i know most people don't read what is considered children's literature, like the wonderful lemony snicket series, but you're missing out. truly, really, and seriously. so, don't be such an adult and indulge. you'll be happy you did.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Art Imitating Life
The Movie Of Your Life Is An Indie Flick |
![]() You do things your own way - and it's made for colorful times. Your life hasn't turned out how anyone expected, thank goodness! Your best movie matches: Clerks, Garden State, Napoleon Dynamite |
Okay, It's Embarrassing
but i like the new nick lachey single, "what's left of me." for the record, i think jessica cheated on him and treated nick like dirt. no matter who she hooks up with, they will never do the neat stuff that nick did--like for their first anniversary, they went to new york (after her dad booked her at the trump taj mahal in atlantic city) and they stayed in the trump international hotel, had roses waiting for, took her to dinner at tavern on the green (at least i think it was tavern on the green) in a horse-drawn carriage, and then had the top of their wedding cake re-created for their dessert.
i mean, holy cow! granted, it was all recorded on tv, but jeez louise, most people don't go to that effort. now, don't get me wrong, the adorable one is fabulous, absolutely fabulous. he is tremendous at remembering our anniversary, my birthday, and really the more important things--like propping me up when i've had the crappiest day possible, or suffering from a migraine, or ensuring i get my sushi fix. i could easily go on for hours, days, weeks, and months, seriously, about the wonderfulness that is the adorable one. really.
but i feel for a guy like nick. yay, he's got money, a career, lotsa money, women chasing after him, etc. but i think he lost the love of his life. and no amount of anything can change that.
anyway, long story short is, i like his song.
i mean, holy cow! granted, it was all recorded on tv, but jeez louise, most people don't go to that effort. now, don't get me wrong, the adorable one is fabulous, absolutely fabulous. he is tremendous at remembering our anniversary, my birthday, and really the more important things--like propping me up when i've had the crappiest day possible, or suffering from a migraine, or ensuring i get my sushi fix. i could easily go on for hours, days, weeks, and months, seriously, about the wonderfulness that is the adorable one. really.
but i feel for a guy like nick. yay, he's got money, a career, lotsa money, women chasing after him, etc. but i think he lost the love of his life. and no amount of anything can change that.
anyway, long story short is, i like his song.
I Feel Boring
i have to say that things are significantly better at work, so much so that me and the previously-named cabbage patch head have buried the axe for good and talk on a regular basis. will we ever be the best of friends? nope, but we sure get along at work. and that's all that really matters. in addition, my supervisor, who i like a lot, has given me some other interesting projects to work on, which makes me very happy.
and all this is very good and i feel good and i really couldn't be more pleased. because it's taken me over two years to get my work life more than up to par. i've had to prove myself, but that's the way work goes. and in that time, through the bumps and the mud, i've finally made changes that i should have made a long time ago--like not gossipping behind people's backs, keeping confidences, taking my time to ensure my work is perfect, etc.
i still need to lose weight and get in shape. but everything else in my life is probably the best it's ever been. i'm happily married, have a great circle of friends, finally a decent relationship with my mom, a nice house, wonderful kittens, a vacation to key west at the end of the month, etc.
so i don't have much to write about any more. i wish i did. it seems like all i scribble about these days are the tv shows i like. i would like to be inspired. and i need some hobbies other than reading books, eating double-stuff oreos, and watching reruns of "miami vice."
i sure would like to go back to horseback riding, which is like the deepest passion, next to writing that i enjoy. once i lose the weight, i'm going to see if i can find a place that offers affordable lessons. i might even take up guitar lessons again. and if cash wasn't an issue, i would already be signed up for flying lessons. and going parachuting. and learning how to hang-glide. but these are things i can and will do, i think. just like the goals to learn surfing and scuba, as i am a water baby, no question about it.
got to get on with living and being less boring. i'll keep you posted on my progress and don't be shy about sharing hobby ideas.
and all this is very good and i feel good and i really couldn't be more pleased. because it's taken me over two years to get my work life more than up to par. i've had to prove myself, but that's the way work goes. and in that time, through the bumps and the mud, i've finally made changes that i should have made a long time ago--like not gossipping behind people's backs, keeping confidences, taking my time to ensure my work is perfect, etc.
i still need to lose weight and get in shape. but everything else in my life is probably the best it's ever been. i'm happily married, have a great circle of friends, finally a decent relationship with my mom, a nice house, wonderful kittens, a vacation to key west at the end of the month, etc.
so i don't have much to write about any more. i wish i did. it seems like all i scribble about these days are the tv shows i like. i would like to be inspired. and i need some hobbies other than reading books, eating double-stuff oreos, and watching reruns of "miami vice."
i sure would like to go back to horseback riding, which is like the deepest passion, next to writing that i enjoy. once i lose the weight, i'm going to see if i can find a place that offers affordable lessons. i might even take up guitar lessons again. and if cash wasn't an issue, i would already be signed up for flying lessons. and going parachuting. and learning how to hang-glide. but these are things i can and will do, i think. just like the goals to learn surfing and scuba, as i am a water baby, no question about it.
got to get on with living and being less boring. i'll keep you posted on my progress and don't be shy about sharing hobby ideas.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
My New Hiding Place
yesterday afternoon, the delish bagel dog that i had for lunch started to cause me gastric distress. so instead of heading to the normal loo, i dashed down to the first floor bathroom. and i'm happy to report that i was pleasantly left alone in my little restroom cubby for a good ten minutes. which if you think about it, has to be some kind of world record as far as uninterrupted quality time in a corporate bathroom. ah, heaven!
What's The Hurry?
i'm driving to work today and getting ready to merge into the lane that will eventually turn into the exit ramp for where i get off every day. as usual, i'm checking the rearview mirror to ensure i've got plenty of space, not cutting anyone off, potentially causing an accident, etc. you have to be doubly cautious on tuesdays, as it's traffic impact day, so the cops are really out and about.
anyway, i happen to peer back maybe a couple hundred feet and notice this light-green suv racing to get into the same lane as me. and by racing i mean, it appears that the car is going like 80 miles an hour. which is not really smart because the posted speed limit is 65 and most people go around 70 to 75. everyone else either drives like a turtle or it's the autobahn. i know, it's the same everywhere.
so, i get into the lane with plenty of time, knowing that ole green suv is going to ride my ass all the way to the stoplight. which it does and then goes around me first chance it gets and races off. the question i have for this person is, what's the freakin hurry?
double hilarity ensued when i parked my car and watched this one lady run into the building like demons were chasing her. really, what's the hurry people? the work ain't going anywhere.
anyway, i happen to peer back maybe a couple hundred feet and notice this light-green suv racing to get into the same lane as me. and by racing i mean, it appears that the car is going like 80 miles an hour. which is not really smart because the posted speed limit is 65 and most people go around 70 to 75. everyone else either drives like a turtle or it's the autobahn. i know, it's the same everywhere.
so, i get into the lane with plenty of time, knowing that ole green suv is going to ride my ass all the way to the stoplight. which it does and then goes around me first chance it gets and races off. the question i have for this person is, what's the freakin hurry?
double hilarity ensued when i parked my car and watched this one lady run into the building like demons were chasing her. really, what's the hurry people? the work ain't going anywhere.
Monday, May 01, 2006
What's In A Name: Part Deux
yesterday the adorable one and i were driving along and he goes, "i have never liked anyone named named nancy." i think what spurred this major announcement was that we were behind an suv whose back window advertised "nancy's nitch", which is like a gift basket, craftsy kind of business. problem is, her website address read like "nancy's a snitch." which is not gouda and cracks me up every time i think of it.
then again, i don't think i've ever met a nancy i've liked either. so if you're named nancy, and you're cool, you need to introduce yourself.
then again, i don't think i've ever met a nancy i've liked either. so if you're named nancy, and you're cool, you need to introduce yourself.
Sweet Sheets
i'm anal about a hundred things. some would argue more, but who the is counting? one of the things is having the bed made every day. i'm freakish about it as i love, love, love having a well-made, neat and tidy bed. thanks to the adorable one, i can bask in the lusciousness that our bed every day.