Saturday, February 25, 2006

Been Productive & It Feels So Good

usually our saturdays fly by in a blink. which we find depressing. but today was different. we got up and made it to breakfast at our favorite restaurant before 9:00 a.m., which is always a good thing as it gets packed quickly. we had our usual--the adorable one had the pancakes and i enjoyed the eggs benedict. from there we picked up french bread, plus regular and chocolate croissants at napoleon's bakery for tomorrow's brunch with dan and jan at our house.

then it was a trek to lee's summit to sign our taxes paperwork (we efiled). the good news is, due to the adorable one taking classes, we're getting a bigger refund than expected. which is nice. stopped off a the blue heron to get the cashmere scarf (from russia) that i eyed last week. the blue heron's owner travels to thailand and other exotic places to pick up unique jewelry and other items. and everything is actually reasonably priced--i picked up a jade bracelet last week for $19.

we survied a short jaunt to hy-vee to pick up additional ingredients for tomorrow's foodfest, and zoomed home. after unloading the groceries, we cleaned the house for a couple of hours and i gotta say, it makes a huge difference. we dusted, tidied up the kitchen, set the dining room table, made the bed, and cleaned our grubby bathrooms. it always amazes me that i try to be a fairly clean, neat person. but for some reason, no matter where i live, i'm a dust and schmutz magnet. i don't get it, i really don't.

and let me say this--my bathroom is not all that big, but it takes me a dang 30 minutes to get it presentable. and then it's dirty in a day or two. how does this happen? i wanna know!

okay, so we get cleaned up and head to chili's for lunch, which was good. and although we were gonna go bird watching, specifically in search of hawks, we opted to go home and read and relax. which was awesome. i lounged on the couch, while my cutie started reading the historian, which i devoured last year.

around 6:0o p.m. i got motivated and made tuna salad sandwiches for supper, cooked some hardboiled eggs, and put together the baked french toast recipe for tomorrow. i have no idea where all the energy came from, especially since i did not get in a nap, but it feels good. really good.

so now we're watching "jaws", and then will put in "lake placid", and will call it a night after that. damn, it's been a good day. and productive to boot. as styro would say, woot!


Blogger The Daily Gus said...

damn you, now I'm hungry. And afraid to go swimming. ;)

Tuesday, February 28, 2006  

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