Thursday, February 23, 2006

Cuz I Feel Like Being Whiny

me and the adorable one probably work between 45 and 50 hours a week. sometimes it will be really nutty and i'll put in 60 or more, but thankfully those instances are few and far between. otherwise, i would be even more exhausted than usual. if that's possible.

the tough part is when your spouse has a full-time job, puts in overtime, goes to class twice a week, and is suffering from what seems like a never-ending head cold. and the reason it's tough is because you end up doing pretty much all the chores--the laundry, the grocery store shopping, unloading the dishwasher, straightening the sheets on the bed, feeding the cats, and what seems like everything else around the house. it's tiring.

but you don't want to complain or seem bitchy or make a big deal out of it. oh hell, who am i kidding? i sound like a freaking shallow whiner. what else is new?


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