Monday, February 20, 2006

In My Next Life

i want to come back as a sports illustrated swimsuit model. lying around on a warm beach in a cute suit, attended to by hair and makeup people, and being snapped by some world-famous photographer--seriously, how tough a job can it be? i think it's hilarious that some of the models take it so seriously--like they are performing brain surgery or saving the world, or worse, like it's such a hardship to being doing their job. somebody please tell me how hard it is to look positively gorgeous, get paid a ton of money, and have a great figure? seriously, they should try my job for a day or a week--they would have a whole new appreciation for pushing out their boobs, arching their back, rolling around in the sand, and all that other really exhausting stuff they do. must be really rough, which is why i hope reincarnation does exist.

coming back as one of cats wouldn't be bad either. but a supermodel would be better. definitely.


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