Wednesday, February 22, 2006


i looked up dander at merriam-webster and the first definition had to with dandruff and allergies. but the second definition had to do with anger and temper, which was applicable yesterday.

one thing i can't abide by is someone attacking my integrity or performance without just cause. now, if i've screwed up, i'm the first one to come clean, own up, take responsibility, apologize. however, if someone comes swinging out of nowhere, trying to blindside me, then the dander goes up. along with the likelihood that gaskets are going to blow.

when you send an email and carbon my boss and another coworker, and criticize me for doing my job, that is, taking care of a client to meet a deadline, then the dander is gonna get mighty ruffled. and it's gonna stay there until you apologize. which i know you won't do. i get that you think you're somehow trying to help me.

but here's the deal and so we're clear. if you have something to say to me, say it to my face. don't be a back-stabbing wuss and send an email implicating me for nothing less than doing my job.

because i will take you balls to the wall on it.


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