Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Funny One In The Family

is the adorable one. i mean, i'm kinda funny, but he is hilarious. gut-busting, hard to get your breath, pee-in-your-pants funny. one of our ongoing laughs is that our local police force, which is truly oversized for our small burg, likes to perch on a shoulder on this one stretch of street.

the shoulder of the street has this curb where the police officer jacks the back of the car onto the top of the curb, so it's almost a launching pad. once they spot their prey, they go racing off the curb, and we always wonder if it doesn't actually damage the rear of the vehicle, so the adorable one penned this great letter, which i would love to mail to the department, but he won't let me:

dear rp police department:

why do you hate your cars so much? i know you are trying to be sneaky, but I see you every time. you can't hide from me. i see the way you torture your cars. does it really hurt the cars to back up onto the curb like that or do you think it is a launching pad? you will never catch people speeding because people will slow down due to the confusion you have created by parking in such a strange matter. we don't know if you are checking for speeders or pretending to be piloting the space shuttle. it is hard to tell. i envision you sitting in the car making racing noises or even voicing the launch sequence yourself. if you are that bored, my yard needs the leaves raked.

good luck trying launch yourself into space. I am rooting for you.

get a job,

a concerned rp citizen

i only wish i was half as funny as my cutie pie!


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