Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Open Letter To The White Izuzu Rodeo On I-35

dear white izuzu rodeo:

thanks so much, ever so much, for not allowing me to merge into the right lane, and almost causing me to drive onto the shoulder. really. i mean, you saw me coming down the entrance ramp, with my left-turn signal clearly on, and you could have just slowed down a wee bit and let me in.

but oh no, you just had to drive by and block me from merging. thanks. next time i see you, with your tinted windows, the shoe will be on the other foot. and you will feel the pain of me tailgating your sorry ass.

princess superstar

p.s. if you want continued practice with cutting people off, get onto the 435-west entrance ramp from roe every day, thereby cutting off all the nice folks that enter from nall. like me. that need to merge onto the highway and cut over three lanes, just not to be thrown onto metcalf avenue. but hey, you did a good job today, so you may not need the practice motherfucker.


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