Tuesday, January 03, 2006

The Foam Has Arrived

it's official: the foam we ordered before x-mas for the headboard we're building was waiting on our doorstep when we got home from work. normally, the ah and i do not carpool, but since my ever-so-reliable honda civic lx, nine years old with 70,000 miles decided not to start today, i hitched a ride with my honey. which worked out well since our offices are less than ten minutes away, and we trekked home a lunch, called aaa, and had the car towed to the dealership.

who informed us around 5:30 p.m. that their mechanics had managed to get the car started, several times, had it running, but wanted to keep it overnight and see if it starts tomorrow. fine by us. would much rather have it be a phantom bug versus a $500+ part, which is usually our lot in life. yay, it sucks and blows, as bart simpson says (the ah is a huge fan).

in the meantime, we took the girls to their final vet appointment, we hope, for awhile. took them for their annual checkup two weeks ago. due to all the shots (rabies, leukemia boosters, feline hiv vaccine, etc.), we had to break it up to two appointments, which the girls did not like. abby has peed both times in the carrier. lordy! and it ends up costing us like $121 each time, so it ain't cheap. but we take them to a cat clinic, which yes, specializes in only cats and they get great attention and care there. which is important. thankfully, both girls are very healthy and happy and sweet. and three ounces heavier. love them!

at least the foam has arrived. now we can work on the headboard this weekend, as we already have the wood cut, and the fabric. now, all we need is some 2 x 4s for the legs, some batting, and some wood glue. will post pictures when we're done as am sure it's going to turn out awesome.

going to pop "lords of dogtown" in the dvd player, since last night we watched "the interpreter," which despite all the lousy reviews, was pretty entertaining. and what's even better, we get everything from the library, it's free. my favorite price!


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