Friday, December 23, 2005

Greetings & Salutations

so even though it's not yet 2006, my new year's resolution is to update this blog as often as possible. the funny thing is, i must write a hundred entries in my head every day, usually while i'm at work, and more notably in the bathroom. which brings me to an interesting point. some of the noises i hear are not what you would expect, and i am not talking about the icky gaseous noises you're thinking of.

i kid you not, there are times where i have heard a noise that sounds like the alarm or claxon from the original "battlestar galatica" series, where they show the cylons on the little cart, and there is a red light flashing. yay, i swear there have been times where i've heard something similar. then, there's the phantom jewelry bangle noise. it sounds like some lady is just outside the bathroom with jingly-jangly bracelets. i refer to it as the "moaning myrtle" sound effect, for those HP fans.

of course, i would be remiss if i didn't mention the noise that sounded like major construction was going on the floor below - think of one of those drills that bores into the earth. if all this sounds weird, especially for your average, stuffy corporate america bathroom, you're right.


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