Tuesday, December 27, 2005

What's Weird About Work

let's face it - work really isn't that hard. it's not like brain surgery, at least for me. based on other blogs i've read, i know better than to say where i work and what i do, so what i will say is that i juggle a lot of plates, i coordinate projects, and some times it seems like i am a delivery person, gopher, copy queen (rare, but it happens), and all-around peon. if it sounds like i'm complaining and don't like my job, you would be wrong. after being out-of-work (another time, another story, trust me) for eight months, working where i do, some days, is pretty awesome.

now, let's get to why work is weird. work is weird because of the people. people, i'm not telling you anything new or don't already know. work is also hard because of the people. as the cute hubby (ch) tells me, "work, like traffic, would be okay if it weren't for the people." so true, so true.

anyway, here's who i work with, in no particular order:

super smart daily supervisor (ssds)
super smart coworker/mentor/coach (sscmc)
smart, crabby coworker (oscar the grouch)
smart, ditzy coworker from foreign country that i usually can't understand to save my life (sdc)
gorgeous, driven coworker (gdc)
nice, but karmically challenge coworker (nkcc)
official supervisor i never see (osins)

then, there's the pb--the psychobitch
now, let me just say this, i hate the pb. i hate her with a passion that you cannot imagine. which is kinda sad, because when i started my job a year ago, about this time, she trained me. and i confided in her, and considered her a trusted colleague.

here's where things went wonky. i cover about four to six product lines, whereas she was assigned to just one. the powers-that-be decided that i needed help as my workload was spiraling, seriously, out of control, so they assigned the pb to share my workload. which means the pb is taking up the resources that i use, like for formatting and graphic design, printing, etc.

and ever since she started working on what i consider to be my projects, let me tell you people, she's been a total freak. and i don't say that lightly or by the reason that i tend to be territorial. i say it from the perspective like the following example:

here's me and a project manager walking toward the bank of elevators. pb is also walking toward the elevators and sees us. she pushes the down button, turns to see me again, and walks off, presumbably to walk down the stairs versus taking the elevator with us. now, tell me, if that isn't freaky, what is?

here's another weird story about pb. it's the day before christmas eve eve (so, it's last thursday, mmkay) and she is off that next day, friday. i know this, people, because in our weekly staff meeting, we all have to go around and discuss our schedules. so i go over to our printer to get a project finished and out the door, via fedex that night. now, most normal people, when they are done with work, they go home. not the pb. no, she is hanging out with the folks that work at our printer's office, which is located right behind our building. now, tell me, if you got off of work, would you go and hang out with your like five dogs, or would you go hang out with people that work at the printers? what a freak-o.

this week, the pb is off, thank god, because when she is at the office, she comes up to our floor and sucks up to everyone in my group, including both oscar and the sscmc. and when i say suck up, she's practically got her head up their ass. oscar, your typically man, loves it. it's tough to take, especially since the pb is extremely loud. i mean, you could hear her even with headphones and the music turned up on the highest level. yup, the pb is that loud. and very annoying. like i said, i hate her.

anyway, today i finished writing a story about the pb and i gotta tell you, it was hilarious. if i can figure out how to attach the file, i'll do that tomorrow. if not, i'll copy it into the blog for your reading pleasure. until then, the ah and i are going to play, "the nightmare before christmas: oogie's revenge." yes, it rocks!


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