Thursday, December 29, 2005

Another Tale of the PB

in another example of why the pb is the pb, see if you can make sense of her, well, insaneness. so, our city gets hit with a foot of snow, no joke. now, let me be the first to say that i have never, ever skipped work and stayed home due to inclement weather. like three years ago there was this horrific ice storm that immobilized the entire metro area. we were without power for like four days and the temperatures hovered around zero. to say it sucked was like saying the pope is catholic. seriously. and i showed up to work on time every day.

okay, so me and the ch decide that for once we are staying home, which was awesome. have always wanted to enjoy a snow day and yay, it was so nice. we slept most of the morning, watched tv, and i think i even took a nap.

well, here's the weird part. so when i got up that morning to call in and check my email, i read a message from one of our general managers that needed some marketing collateral. it was fortunate that i brought home my work laptop as i was able to send him some pdfs of printed material. and he emailed back what he wanted, which was like 18 copies of two brochures.

so, the pb emails that she is going into the office, once she digs her car out. and i explain that i will not be going in and essentially she can ship the materials to the gm, once she gets in. and then i go back to sleep. well, i wake up around 11:30 a.m. and check my email and there's like three messages from the pb saying that i need to take care of having the materials shipped to the gm. hello? i'm at home beeyoch!

so, i call the admin that handles that kind of thing and get her voicemail saying that she will be in after 1:00 p.m., so i leave her a message. and then i call our admin and ask her to follow up and ensure the packet gets mailed out. which it does.

and i email the gm and the pb and confirm that everything was taken care of. which should have been the end of it. but no, like an idiot, the next day, i hear the pb in our area, cuz you can't miss her booming voice. and so i practically have to lasso her to speak with her, as she always acts like she can't get away from me fast enough, and yes i wear deodrant and no i do not stink.

so, i say something like, "hey, i thought you would not mind shipping out the marketing material, and i am sorry for any confusion yesterday." and then the pb, who truly earns her nickname, practically chews my head off with this nasty retort, "well, it shouldn't have taken so much email communication." and i was like, "well, i thought if you were coming in, you could ship the materials." and she's like, "well, there was a chance i would not have made it in, so you should have followed through." which is true, but still, did she have to be such a beeyoch about the whole thing? i mean, she acted like i ran over one of her dogs or something. what a freak.

making matters worse, i try once more to clear the air. first, i stop by her cube after a meeting and i'm about to talk to her and the phone rings. she picks it up, turns to me, and says, "i'll call you." now, i know that psycho and she's not gonna call. so about an hour later, i traipse back down to her area. what is she doing? reading a book on posting to the internet as she maintains her business line site on our intranet. big whoop.

the minute she sees me, she gets up like she wants to run out of her cube. and no, i am not exaggerating. seriously. so she stands up and i say something like, "hey, i just wanted to clear the air. you're right that i should have ensure that the materials were going to be shipped, whether you would have been in the office or not. so i just want to apologize." and get this, she still looks at me like i'm satan.

which may make my new year's resolution of apologizing less a lot easier to keep.


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