Saturday, December 30, 2006

Just Things I Find Interesting

while i am very glad that we have a new, high-efficiency furnace, i still find myself cold a lot of the time in the house. i'm thinking this is due to the fact that i tend to be inactive while i'm home. still, i hate being cold, so i guess i'll have to do more stuff that needs to get done--cleaning, organizing, etc. to be comfortable, as our thermostat is usually at 72 degrees, although at night and when we're at work it's set at 68 degrees.

another thing i've noticed is that i almost can't get the water hot enough in my morning shower. it used to be that it was almost a half-and-half mix of the hot and cold water, but now i have the hot water cranked all the way up and barely any cold water on. i find this odd. and weird. and don't really get it.

our vacation this past week has been nice--not eventful or exciting, but relaxing for the most part. if anyone asks me how it was, i would have to say that the best parts were seeing the bald eagles in lawrence, going to the movies, having breakfast out almost every day, and for sure, waking up whenever we felt like it. let's be real, the body was not made to be up before the sun. seriously. it's kinda like how we're not meant to have our cat's teeth cleaned, the same goes for what's meant to be regarding our natural biorhythm. and while i like getting off work at 4:00 p.m., getting up at 5:30 a.m. is a real drain-o.

and i now get how people rack up major credit card bills (not us, please). remember me ranting, raving, whining, babbling, and complaining about us having to shell out a tidy sum for the new furnace and air-conditioner coil thing--all of it totally $3,500? well, instead of draining ye olde checking account, we went ahead and charged it. yes, yes, yes--we know it's wrong and it will cost more with the interest we get charged. we get it.

anyway, due to the fact that we had also, oops i mean me, had gone beserko on the holiday shopping, we had spent more than usual with our main charge card--the one that we use to earn marriott reward points. so, the other day, i get this letter from the company that owns the card and they've bumped our credit like another $3k. which i thought was nice, but it's easy to see how people manage to max out their credit cards. something we do not do. i just get it now.

and next year when we take this week off, we're going to have activities planned. going to the awesome art museum yesterday, as well as all the movies, were fun. but we spent most of our time, truly and seriously, running errands. when i complained to the adorable one that we weren't really having any fun, he said, "well of course we're not having any fun. we're treating this vacation like one, long weekend where all we do is run errands, which is what we do every weekend." yes, he's the smart one in the family.

so, with a year to research and plan for that last week of year, i should do what i normally do and wait until we're off to figure something out. at least i'm consistent, right?


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