Thursday, December 28, 2006

Is It Real?

the last two nights i've had car trauma bad dreams. i can only guess that our flat-tire adventure on monday, after the movie, on the way to the crappy chinese buffet was the culprit for the dream i had that night. in that one, i was driving my car and already had the spare on, due to one flat tire. then i got another flat and this gal, who i was friends with for a long time that i don't talk with any more, took me to to the service station. which was like a texaco or something and the guy said it would be like a thousand dollars to fix both tires and it would take like a day or two. you know it's a nightmare when the cost is outrageous and the time to repair something is ridiculous.

so then my gal pal drove me to taco bell, where the adorable one was having lunch. yet another sign of the apocalypse is that taco bell shows up in your dream. even stranger was that he was eating things like a burger and pizza, which i'm pretty sure is not on the taco hell menu.

my second nightmare, last evening involved me following my sister and my dad in my car. it had been raining so the roads were slick. they were in the left-hand lane and i was in the right-hand lane. the car in front of me stopped ahead and i couldn't stop, so i ended up clipping it and driving on, which is not like me at all. of course, during the nightmare, all i could think about is the damage done to my car.

regardless, i'm really hoping that i'm going to have non car-related dreams tonight as i am not sure how much more i can take. reality is so much easier to deal with.


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