Friday, December 29, 2006

The Hardest Part

of the year is just about here. the holidays will be officially over and it's back to the grind. the fabulous decorations that provide light and cheer will be put away for another year and all we're left with is the gray gloom. and while it hasn't been horribly cold, thank goodness, the overcast, drab days have a way of being a damper.

which is why, in my humble opinion, this is the toughest time of the year. the reality is, there's nothing really to look forward to. and while the stores are already gearing up for valentine's day, i think it's a fake holiday created by the greeting card, floral, and candy industries. talk about a silly excuse to tell someone you love them--you should be doing that every day.

but i digress. how to survive the upcoming coldest months of the year? i've been thinking on that and i'm vacillating between going to the gym and breaking out some coloring books. personally, i'm leaning toward the coloring books, but i think the adorable one has other plans for us. and i have a bad feeling that's sans his fab chocolate chip cookies.



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