Broken Promises
in my 20s and early 30s, i did a lot of stemware collecting. can't say why, but i fell in love with a lot of stuff from pier 1, martha stewart, williams-sonoma, etc. very fortunately, we have a very nice china cabinet (thanks mom and dad!), a glass rack (thanks robbie!) that hangs from the dining room ceiling, and decent cabinet space. as it happened, we also received several lovely sets for our wedding a few years ago. so, we're full up on stemware. and dish sets, but that's another post (and bane of the adorable one's existence!).
my parents have several beautiful sets of china that was bequeathed to them when my grandparents passed away, so one day my mom casually inquired that because they weren't sure i was going to get married (this was obviously before the adorable one came into the picture), would i be interested in their wedding china. which i loved because it was their's. it's simple white china with a silver rim. simple, classy, and my mind, perfect.
and when we have people over, i usually pare the dishes with clear glasses or if we're having champagne, black mikasa flutes, which i originally found when the lawrence riverfront mall was in existence and a mikasa outlet was a favorite shopping destination with my sister.
so with all this terrific stemware, i promised the adorable one that we didn't need any more. that was until pier one tempted me with the above argent stemware. i doubt the picture shows it, but the glassware features a silver rim, which would perfectly match our china. and in the catalog, each piece is on sale for $5 (usually it sells for $8). the problem is that i would want the flute, goblet, and wine glass. which would total $60. and while that's probably not terrible for three sets of matching stemware, we just don't need it. and don't really have an ideal storage place. so, you see my dilemma, right?
i would like to say that i am not going to be foolish and break my promise to stop buying stemware, but i think we all know better. so yes, it's times like these where i wish i had more resolve. and a lot more cash!

my parents have several beautiful sets of china that was bequeathed to them when my grandparents passed away, so one day my mom casually inquired that because they weren't sure i was going to get married (this was obviously before the adorable one came into the picture), would i be interested in their wedding china. which i loved because it was their's. it's simple white china with a silver rim. simple, classy, and my mind, perfect.
and when we have people over, i usually pare the dishes with clear glasses or if we're having champagne, black mikasa flutes, which i originally found when the lawrence riverfront mall was in existence and a mikasa outlet was a favorite shopping destination with my sister.
so with all this terrific stemware, i promised the adorable one that we didn't need any more. that was until pier one tempted me with the above argent stemware. i doubt the picture shows it, but the glassware features a silver rim, which would perfectly match our china. and in the catalog, each piece is on sale for $5 (usually it sells for $8). the problem is that i would want the flute, goblet, and wine glass. which would total $60. and while that's probably not terrible for three sets of matching stemware, we just don't need it. and don't really have an ideal storage place. so, you see my dilemma, right?
i would like to say that i am not going to be foolish and break my promise to stop buying stemware, but i think we all know better. so yes, it's times like these where i wish i had more resolve. and a lot more cash!
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