Outta Gas
yesterday was one of those really long days where 4:00 p.m. couldn't roll around fast enough. it wasn't a tough day in the sense that i had a thousand things going on. quite the opposite--the one project that was due came together much better and faster than expected, which is always a plus.
the hard part was eating lunch at my desk for what felt like the nth day in a row, as the adorable one has been in training all week and my work twin was on vacation. sadly, i have no other people to eat lunch with, which is the only real break in my day. so by choosing to eating in my matchbox, my day seemed a thousand hours longer.
plus the work was extremely boring and tedious, and coupled with a migraine, it was literally one of those times where it felt like an hour had past and in reality, it was five minutes. the straw for me was when i thought the adorable one and i would go for an early sushi dinner at our favorite place, only to find out that it didn't open when we got off of work (we would have waited another 30 minutes at least), and in the super cold weather, with the pounding headache, we just went home.
which was fine as the adorable one made these totally delish egg and ham sammiches on english muffins. super yum! of course, i decided to take a second tylenol pm as the jackhammer behind my right eyeball hadn't ceased, so by 7:00 p.m., i called it a day. i had nothing left and was running on fumes. so, i kissed the adorable one goodnight and crashed.
it's been a while since i've run out of gas from an energy standpoint, but the tank was empty and the siren of the bed was too strong to resist. i sure as fuck hope this is not a recurring friday night theme, because it would suck rocks.
the real question, other than sleeping ten hours, is how to refill the tank.

the hard part was eating lunch at my desk for what felt like the nth day in a row, as the adorable one has been in training all week and my work twin was on vacation. sadly, i have no other people to eat lunch with, which is the only real break in my day. so by choosing to eating in my matchbox, my day seemed a thousand hours longer.
plus the work was extremely boring and tedious, and coupled with a migraine, it was literally one of those times where it felt like an hour had past and in reality, it was five minutes. the straw for me was when i thought the adorable one and i would go for an early sushi dinner at our favorite place, only to find out that it didn't open when we got off of work (we would have waited another 30 minutes at least), and in the super cold weather, with the pounding headache, we just went home.
which was fine as the adorable one made these totally delish egg and ham sammiches on english muffins. super yum! of course, i decided to take a second tylenol pm as the jackhammer behind my right eyeball hadn't ceased, so by 7:00 p.m., i called it a day. i had nothing left and was running on fumes. so, i kissed the adorable one goodnight and crashed.
it's been a while since i've run out of gas from an energy standpoint, but the tank was empty and the siren of the bed was too strong to resist. i sure as fuck hope this is not a recurring friday night theme, because it would suck rocks.
the real question, other than sleeping ten hours, is how to refill the tank.
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