Monday, February 05, 2007

The Monday Blahs

you know what it's like to go on vacation and come back to work and you just can't get back into the groove? your brain tries to re-engage, but it's like a motor that just won't overturn. that's what today felt like. for the past four weeks, my mondays have been a blur--meetings, piles of work, you get the picture.

today was different. i didn't feel jazzed about going to work. part of it was that my supervisor who was previously parked in the cube next to me, moved to an office, and suzy q took over his cube, which by the way, is bigger than mine. where's the justice? if our cubes weren't getting re-built to be all one size, i would seriously lodge a complaint, as my work twin, is in an even smaller matchbox than myself.

so, for whatever reason, i feel isolated as having suzy on one side of me feels like an invasion of my space. and even though i have projects to work on, nothing was due today so i felt like i just piddled and frittered my day away. being a super productive person most of the time, i feel positively icky when i feel like i'm spinning my wheels.

and it wasn't a good thing that i had both the peppermint bark and a cup of hot chocolate (damn you williams-sonoma!) when i got home. but i justified (internally of course) that i needed a pick-me-up. in reality, a good 30 minutes or so at the gym would have done wonders. problem is, the call of my pajamas is much stronger (damn you pajamas!).

i get that according to stephen covey, we're supposed to create our own weather--that is, no matter what's going on in your life, our outside, or whatever, you can choose how you feel and how you project your attitude. i just can't do that 100 percent of the time. i try to keep up the happy facade, but i wasn't able to do it today. just seemed like too much effort. and that's okay, because i'm no scary robot.

i'm just a gal tired of winter, the gray, and the blahs. know any cures?


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