Tuesday, September 12, 2006

She's At It Again, Mother Puss Bucket

well, one thing you can say about the cabbage patch head (cph) is that she is consistent. how so, you ask? she is one of a handful of people that can instantly get under my skin and blow my blood pressure off the charts. here's a recent example of her taking a potshot at me.

so, our supervisor emails us both asking us if one of us has time to work on a project due this week. normally, it's just the kind of thing i would be happy to take on, but as i had overpromised one project yesterday and somewhat under-delivered, and had plenty on my plate, i thought it best, for once not to hoard everything and asked the cph if she had time to handle. keep in mind she had made it sound like she wasn't all that busy when we discussed our workloads at staff meeting. plus, the project fell more into more of her area--the end client is served by two of the product lines she most closely works with.

seeing that my supervisor had issued the email, i returned his message and copied her, explaining that we had discussed what was best and that she would handle the project. i could pitch in if needed, but she was the lead. that really should have been the end of it, as i even provided the path to the server where the previous project files were located to give her a head start, as the projects were similar.

but it just couldn't be that easy. my supervisor emails her to thank her for handling the project and offered his availability if she needed help. so what does the super bitch do? well, she emails my boss, me and copies the two internal clients on the project thanking him for his offer and suggesting that since i'm swamped maybe he can help me out.

like, hello? all you had to do stupid was say thank you, i'm handling it, and that's all. but nooooo. she has to take a potshot at me, when i'm the one that essentially gave her the project to work on. i could have easily kept it for myself, but i have, as i said, plenty to work on and she implied, at least at the meeting, that she could take on additional projects.

and by the way, my project workload is none of your business loser. none at all. you need not be concerned as i can manage it just fine. that's why i take my projects to the finish line and get results. but to imply to others that i'm incapable of taking care of business, that's crossing the line.

i sent her email to both the adorable one and a trusted colleague and they both agreed she was out of line. the problem is, there is never any accountability for her. now, if i had sent that email, holy cow would i have been tagged. big time. now, she thinks it's okay to hurl potshots and not get busted. i don't think so.

i emailed her at the end of today requesting to meet with her for a few minutes, privately, when time permits. of course she wanted to know what our meeting was about, but i said that i would not discuss it via email and that it would be a private discussion. naturally, she's put me off until later this week or even next week as she probably has an inkling of what's coming.

all i want to say, if i could is this--"listen up. when you write emails like this, it's implied that you're taking a potshot at me. and if that's the case and i think it is, you're wasting your time and you're only making yourself look bad. this is the warning shot off the bow because i'm going to let this one slide. but i'm on to you, the gloves are off, and if this happens again, it's not going to be a pleasant experience for you." and then walk off.

but that's too much like a movie or tv, so i'm working on plan b, which may include tattling to my boss, who just doesn't get why this stuff bothers me. okay, hello? it's not alright to sling mud at me and expect that i'm going to take it. it's not gonna happen. i'm going to defend myself. get used to it.

is is just me people? am i crazy? nuts? lost it? it's possible. in the meantime, i think i'll take a page from the esteemed muhammad ali and float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. you going down cph. hard.


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