Seriously, What's The Big Deal?
in case you've been in hiding, don't care, or just not keeping up on the latest and greatest entertainment news, "survivor: cook islands" has a new twist--the cast is divided into racial groups (caucasians, hispanics, african americans, and asians), so naturally a bunch of people are all up in arms and pissed off and making a lot of racket.
you know, i think it's a good idea. there are so many racial stereotypes out there, let's not be shy for a change. just listen to people--blacks are lazy, jews are rich, latinos are cheap but hardworkers, asians are chauvinistic, etc. the reality is, everyone has preconceptions about other groups. if i'm a member of the ku klux klan, chances are i hate blacks and jews. a lot of people associate germans with nazis. it's the way of the world.
that being said, i'm curious to see how it plays out. will the african americans be lazy? are all the white people whiners and boastful? will the asians set up a hierarchy where the men rule the tribe? all i know is that it looks to be another interesting season of watching people behaving badly, scheming, backstabbing, lying, etc. hoo wee, i can't wait until next thursday!
did i mention jeffy jeff probst is hot?

you know, i think it's a good idea. there are so many racial stereotypes out there, let's not be shy for a change. just listen to people--blacks are lazy, jews are rich, latinos are cheap but hardworkers, asians are chauvinistic, etc. the reality is, everyone has preconceptions about other groups. if i'm a member of the ku klux klan, chances are i hate blacks and jews. a lot of people associate germans with nazis. it's the way of the world.
that being said, i'm curious to see how it plays out. will the african americans be lazy? are all the white people whiners and boastful? will the asians set up a hierarchy where the men rule the tribe? all i know is that it looks to be another interesting season of watching people behaving badly, scheming, backstabbing, lying, etc. hoo wee, i can't wait until next thursday!
did i mention jeffy jeff probst is hot?
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