Friday, March 17, 2006

Opposites Work

our overseas sales guys were in town this past week and took some of our group out for lunch on wednesday, which was really nice because our company has this policy that if someone, like my boss, wants to treat our group to lunch, he has to pay for it himself. so i don't know how the vp who took us to lunch is going to expense it, but i'm digressing again.

so we finish lunch and we're heading back to the office and my boss notes what a nice day it is and says something like, "man, i could go home and do some yard work." to which i replied, "yard work? it's a perfect day to take a nap in the hammock." and then the conversation continued like this:

him: "i hate going to sleep."
me: "are you fucking kidding me? i love going to sleep."
him: "really? i can't stand going to sleep."
me: "seriously? it's the one time of the day where my brain isn't working."
him: "yay, i hate that."
me: "dude, you're a freak."

the thing is, my boss is about five years younger than me, is whip smart, laid back, and very driven. the man loves his beer, skiing, and not being lazy. which is like the opposite of me--but somehow it all works. probably because i'm so cool.


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