A Very Weird Day
no day is exactly normal in my universe, but today was a a strange one. let us count the ways:
- i didn't feel like going to work when i was disturbed out of deep slumber by my alarm clock. wait . . . that's that's normal.
- okay, here's a weird thing--cabbage patch head (cph) sorta storms into my cube saying something like, "you are not going to believe this" and continues going on this long diatribe about all these companies that manufacture wet cat food that are having to recall the product due to it causing kidney disease. thankfully, our discussion was 1) short, and 2) the girls only eat dry cat food so they are not in any immediate danger of developing kidney disease, which is fatal in cats. regardless, the bipolar freakazoid and i had a nice conversation, which is highly unusual for us. the deal of it is, some days she's super friendly and other days i'm public enemy number one. who gets it? not me.
- suzy q and i got along decently, with one almost genuine interaction. granted she was buttering me up like a thanksgiving turkey, but that's her standard modus operandi.
- i managed to get everything i needed to get done for the two projects due this week and our department director came by and asked if i wanted to help him with something later this week. i felt uncommonly good about that i might actually get to display independent, out-of-the-box thinking. and yes, all that positive thinking is freaky.
- the adorable one and i had a yummy lunch at a weekly favorite place that is usually packed to the gills, but was relaxingly quiet and peaceful. we always sit at the bar as we get in and out within an hour and we've gotten to know the barkeeps, one who is pregnant and not remotely hormonal toward us. whoa.
- oh, my blood glucose level has been very close to normal of late. granted in the morning they tend to be higher, but they are still inching toward the top limit of the normal level. imagine how good they could be if i really cut down on the carbs (like no brownie pie for dessert) and exercised, hell who knows?
- i was stuck in traffic for close to an hour coming home and didn't curse anyone once. believe it or not, it's true. really.
- our admin told me that one of my coworkers (a gal from russia) treated her and another vp like dirt, which proves other people do step in mud, with the potential of getting busted, which seems to happen to me, unintentionally and against my will on a regular basis.
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