Friday, March 16, 2007

Any Way You Slice It

we made it through another week, despite the adorable one getting the flu last saturday. i have to give it to the man, as he soldiered through on nyquil and this new mucinex stuff we saw advertised adnaseum. damn, that stuff is expensive (a small bottle was $11), but worth it as fucking sudafed, dayquil, and tavist-d didn't do a darn. all i did was survive dealing with the ever-annoying suzy q. i seriously wish a meteor will fall on her. that would be great, so if anyone knows of stray meteors coming our way, let me know so i can whip out my laser gun and target the big ole rock towards that big ole eager beaver.

so back to reality because despite running a few errands this week--the grocery a few times, the library, we didn't do our usual stuff, so tonight i paid some bills (mortgage and home equity loan), am doing a couple loads of laundry, and we cleaned out the litterboxes. since i lost the bet (the adorable one wagered that i would get above a 3% raise and obviously he was right. again.), and he is quite the generous fellow, we clean the litterboxes together as it's my responsibility for the month. had i been the winner, there's a distinct possibility that my very schmutzy bathroom would be shiny clean.

so, the weekend seems to be off a decent start--the adorable one treated me to sushi and then we stopped off, i can't believe i'm saying this, at starbucks to pick up some baked goods. it's true, they have the best. i don't get how they have the most delicious stuff, but they do. have i mentioned my addiction to their blueberry coffee cake? yay, it's awesome. and now we're watching my jayhawks run circles around niagara's purple eagles. rock chalk baby!

not sure what else is planned, as originally our friends matt and amy were going to come over to our house for dinner, drinkies, interesting conversation, and maybe some board games. however, they both have the same icky bug that seems to be going around, so it looks like we'll be on our own, which is fine. we do alright until we get bored and then i'm a crabfest. huge surprise there.

for sure we'll do breakfast at our favorite spot and maybe check the compusa store closing--the adorable one would like a laptop, but am sure most of the good stuff has already been picked over. not sure what the weather is gonna be like, but we may venture south or east to do some bird watching.

in the meantime, i'm gonna grab some diet sunkist and switch the laundry. yay, i know, way exciting.


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