Monday, March 05, 2007

What I Think/Dream About When/If I Continue To Lose Weight

one of the things i've missed most is wearing jeans, as when i was at my heaviest (210+), i adopted two pairs of sport sweatpants. which i am thoroughly and totally sick of wearing on the weekends, as that's all i've allowed myself to have. i figure once the weight is off, it's going to be an incredible treat to purchase a couple pairs of levis. i'm partial to the cut below, but i have a high waist and i'm short (maybe the two go together?), so i'll have to find something flattering. hopefully that's possible.

then there's the issue of my intimates. i'm down with my hanes cotton skivvies, but due to being overweight the last three years, i've been wearing sports bras (sad and sorry, but true) as it was too embarrassing to go bra shopping at my size. so, i'm more than excited to have real bras again, some day. and by real bras, i mean like vicky's secret. yay, they cost a lot, but i think it's one of those things, like shoes, that it's worth it to spend the moola.


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