Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A Resolution Worth Keeping

when i started working at the company a couple years ago i checked my work email every evening and weekend. i felt like i was being a dedicated, responsive employee, which is a good thing. but also expected as my coworkers (including my supervisor who may be a scary robot) work close to around the clock. and i'm not exaggerating this as i have the emails time-stamped to prove it.

because i feel like i'm stuck in a rut there, like i have no chance for a promotion, i've decided that i am no longer going to check my email in my off time. maybe it sounds like a little thing, but if you knew how addicted i was to being connected and giving the impression that i'm responsive, plugged in, and working in the sense of answering emails, you would realize this is a tough resolution for me.

but it's a good thing because life is short and we only go around once. and i don't want to look back with regret on all the evenings and weekends that i spent responding to messages versus enjoying my time with the adorable one and our girls.

footnote: i drafted this post last night (really) and as it happened this morning i was ready yesterday's issue of "the wall street journal," which featured (on the front page no less) an article titled "deleting the habit: how email junkies do in withdrawal", which was about people who are trying to cut back on checking email in their off time. is that karma or what?


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