Tuesday, August 01, 2006

How Do You Say "BUTT OUT" Diplomatically?

i don't know the answer to the question, but it's safe to say that i would pay big money to find out. the cabbage patch head (cph, as named by the adorable one) reared her freaking ugly rat's nest today and butted into something that is none of her business. and when i mean none, i mean zero, zilch, nada.

and the thing is, i could understand it if she had anything to do with the project. but she didn't. however, she felt it was her responsibility to carry on an endless email discussion on setting a precedent when one already exists. it got so ridiculous regarding the waste of time that i was tempted to write, "listen beeyotch [okay, maybe not the beeyotch part], i've got this handled. if you don't have anything to do, so-and-so needs help with six projects going out the door later this week."

but of course, i didn't write that email. instead i sent a tactful reply. but i would have preferred to kick her in the shin.

it's never easy dealing with a bi-polar coworker, especially one like the cph who aspires to be like her hero, mr. perfect. i can only hope that one of these days i can figure out how to get my point across in a way that says, "butt the fuck out bitch."

i'm open to any ideas, so send me yours.


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