Sunday, July 30, 2006

Finally Moving Forward

so the adorable one and i finally got our sorry lazy asses in gear and applied for a home equity line of credit to fill in the hole in our backyard that used to be our pool. and we got a great bid to fill in the pool from the guy that we originally wanted to repair it (but it was gonna cost $30k, which is way too much). the way we're doing it is going to allow us to fill in the pool and consolidate our credit card debt. and once that and the honda crv is paid off, well, as the adorable one says, we're going to really kicking ass financially. sweet!

i really feel like we have a plan in place and are moving forward. which is something we should have done two years ago, but i have to be really happy that we have figured things out and working toward being debt free. makes us feel good and very positive about our financial picture. which we should because we both make decent (not great) salaries, have no kids, not a ton of debt (we have heard of people that max out their credit cards), are doing alright regarding retirement savings (could be doing more)--so i am no longer the gigantic pissball that i was last week. hard to believe, but true.

now the trick is to apply the momentum to getting our out-of-shape, overweight selves in shape. we're gonna need a lot of motivation on this one. because we are l-a-z-y. and hate exercise. and i personally detest being sweaty. and it's so much work.

the thing is, when you're done, you feel soooooo good. and you're less tired. and if you are tired, it's a good kind of tired. too bad we're such bums. and that naps always sound better working out. too bad you can't burn calories napping like you do working out. if that was the case i would be stick skinny.

there is no justice people, no justice at all.


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