Friday, August 04, 2006

8 Hours There, 8 Hours Back

the adorable one's stepdad is giving us his 17-foot flat bottom riverboat, so we're off to yuma, colorado tomorrow and coming back on sunday. while we're totally psyched to see his folks and his grandparents (first time for me), the haul there and back is gonna suck. i haven't driven further west than manhattan, kansas and from what everyone has told me, there's nothing to see. there's just flat farmland for as far as the eye can see.

i'm not a fan of car rides to begin with, so to make thing hopefully better for both of us, we're bringing along two books on cd, snacks (twizzes, duds, nibs, and jerky), a pillow, and my ipod. we were going to bring my laptop and use a power adaptor to watch movies on dvd, but i just didn't feel like hauling it for such a short trip, since we won't even be in yuma 24 hours.

so we won't have much of a weekend per se, but the end result is well worth it. don't mind me if i'm extra cranky next week, but knowing you, you won't even notice. will ya?


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