Two Good Books I'm Reading

this is the follow up to "map of bones," which i liked a lot. it's mixes treasure hunts, mystery, some gore, history, science, science fiction, technology, and the main character is the type of guy you would want as a friend--an all-around boyscout/cia/army ranger kind of fella. i could see jason stratham (jeez, he's dreamy) playing him if a flick was ever made. or daniel craig, the new james bond (yum!). but no one, and i mean, no one is cuter than the adorable one. even if he did call the gorgeous popover muffins "nipple muffins", forever ruining them for me. yet, i love the man!

i read this one when i was a tween/teenager, as i was into all the madeline l'engle books (another benefit of being a librarian's daughter) and it's funny how you don't remember books the way you think you did, if that makes any sense. the book reads much differently than it did then, but i'm enjoying it just as much and plan to re-read all of the l'engle books i so enjoyed in my youth.
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