This Is Sick
dear nicole richie:
whoever told you it was okay to look like a holocaust victim was wrong. eat a sandwich. no, make that 20 sandwiches. every day. with lotsa mayo and french fries on the side. a chocolate shake and cake and cookies might also be good.
because the little girls that look up to you are gonna think it's cool to be anorexic or whatever it is that is afflicting you. and that's not cool. in fact, that's bad. very, very bad. do the right thing nicole. get help!
get fat! feel good!
hugs and kisses,
princess superstar

whoever told you it was okay to look like a holocaust victim was wrong. eat a sandwich. no, make that 20 sandwiches. every day. with lotsa mayo and french fries on the side. a chocolate shake and cake and cookies might also be good.
because the little girls that look up to you are gonna think it's cool to be anorexic or whatever it is that is afflicting you. and that's not cool. in fact, that's bad. very, very bad. do the right thing nicole. get help!
get fat! feel good!
hugs and kisses,
princess superstar
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