Wednesday, July 19, 2006

We Had It

the "chat" that is. right on schedule. unannounced like being t-boned or sideswiped. you think i would notice the signs--being ignored/shunned, feeling like everyone knows that i'm in some kind of doghouse, etc. it's a weird, weird deal. just one of the things you deal with in corporate america, like it or not.

i can't really say that i came out if unscathed because i always feel like a little kid being called on the carpet in the principal's office. and the stress of having to defend myself, over and over and over, is really exhausting. truth is, it's 8:30 p.m. and i'm ready for bed.

and i'm not really looking forward to tomorrow as i have a project going out the door and those types of days are always the worst. the problem is, i am waiting on information from other people, so it's like being at the end of the snake. and then it's a massive race to get everything produced and out the door. it's stressful, chaotic, and i really dread it. so, here's hoping it goes by quickly and is uneventful.

but i'm never that lucky. never.


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