Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The Good News Is

i'm not going bald, according to my twin, who emailed me to say that her old hairstylist said that women shed an average of 100 hairs a day. thankfully, my twin has also pointed out that she has not located any bald spots. isn't she great?

in other news, the adorable one really wants to see "cars." and the thing is, when we were first dating, we loved, loved, loved to go to movies. it was our thing. but ever since we had to start trekking 20 to 25 minutes to the theater, which is coincidentally very close to my office, it takes, according to him, "an act of god." and so, stupidly, i said, "i really don't know what's wrong with me."

to which he replied, "i'm sure it's difficult to pronounce." so, he just bought us another squish dinner this week for insulting little ole me. sucka!


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