Monday, July 03, 2006

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

when i was in my early 30s i did something kinda radical (for me) and got an elfish haircut, which i loved. i am very much a "no muss, no fuss." seriously, i wash and go every day, without blow drying my hair, even in the winter. true. it was the perfect hair cut as i would shower, spritz in some kind of hair stuff that my stylist liked, run my fingers through it, and off i went. super cute and wonderful hairdo. loved it, loved it, loved it.

the only problem is, the frogs i met via the internet, didn't like it, nor did anyone else. not really. plus everyone was starting to think i was a lesbian (nothing wrong with that people, except that i'm strictly into dicks) because i had this short haircut, was bossy/bitchy, and most of my friends that i hung out with were gay (still are).

so, i grew my hair out to a chin-length bob, which i've had for awhile now. anyway, i noticed about a year or so ago, maybe longer, that i shed quite a bit. and by shed, i mean that i find the occasional strand on my pillowcase, on my shirts, chair at work, etc.

not to be horrifically rude or incorrect or sounding terrible, but some days i feel like a chemo patient. okay, it's not that bad, but what gives? i don't remember all this hair being everywhere when i was younger. maybe memory really is the first thing to go.

anyway, when i tell anyone this, like my stylist jim or my twin, they look at me like i'm nuts. or maybe that's the normal look they give me. it's hard to tell. luckily, my hair keeps on growing and other than buying into an occasional new hair product, i like my hair. it just needs to stay on my head.


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