Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Should I? Should I Do It?

our darling friend melissa, who we adore is good friends with someone who i would call a medium. others might refer to her as a channeler. mabye you would catergorize her as one that talks to spirits. i'm sure there's a lot of people that think she's a kook, a fake, a phony, or a charlatan.

i met audrey years ago when melissa and i lived next door to each other. once in awhile, audrey would take care of melissa's pets while she was on vacation with her then-partner, carrie (or as i love to refer to her, carrie jo). at the time, i didn't know that much about audrey. she ended up moving away, but melissa would regularly mention her.

one night, melissa mentioned that audrey can channel. i guess that's the best way to describe what she does--she channels spirits or energy or whatever. now, melissa, like me, is a cynical and suspicious and doesn't take anything on faith. but audrey talked to melissa about things no one, absolutely no one would know.

anyway, the reason i'm babbling on about this, is that audrey may be coming back to town for a few weeks toward the end of the month. and i want to meet with her. and ask some questions. i want to know that taylor is resting in peace, that he's no longer suffering. i want to hear that my grandparents are all doing well and are together. and i want to know that they are watching over me.

her rates are a bit steep, but as crazy as this sounds, especially for a girl that swears by science, i want to do this. am i crazy? do i just want to believe that there is a world, a place beyond what we consider our plane of existence? is is wrong to meddle? i feel like i need answers.

your thoughts?


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