Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I Would Like To Know

why it's so damn tough to get out of bed every day. i know, i know--i've addressed this subject before, but damn, i swear every day it's a bigger hurdle to hurl myself from the warm confines of the comfy bed, as i stumble around to find my bath slippers, and convince myself it's worth it to take a shower. i often wonder what it would be like to wake up based on my natural bio rhythm, not when the alarm clock is going off every ten minutes, and it's dark and cold as i rack my brain on how to take a sick day without feeling loads of guilt for being healthy.

i was telling the adorable one that we need to invent some kind of gadget that launches you out of bed, puts your pajamas either away or in the laundry, and plops you in the shower. i'm telling you now, we would make billions. cause god knows we would use the gizmo. submit your designs now, along with the names and phone numbers of venture capitalists, and we'll get back to you. the phone lines are open.


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