Monday, September 22, 2008

Have Ya Noticed

that there are certain days at the grocery store. for example, yesterday was geriatric day at our local grubstore. every aisle seemed to be chock full of geezers with hearing aids, rolled up jeans, and grandpa shoes. don't ask--i can't describe.

when the adorable and i lived in midtown, we shopped at the "have/have-nots" grocery--half the people were on food stamps, the other half could afford things like the pricey herbs and pomegranate juice. then there was a small minority (us) that got the basics and occasionally splurged on big-ticket items (like chocolate milk or bottled root beer). yes, yes, yes--i get it, when we spend big, we really go all out.

anyway, at that store, we usually had at least one day that was dedicated to couples, lesbians, and lesbian couples. or total and complete scum.

we occasionally frequent a small grocery store that is by our house, but significantly costs more, even with a savings card. and that store seems to only admit people that all know each other, as every time we go there, it's like a high school reunion . . . of super richy-rich snots. or people that like to park their cart right in the middle of the aisle. i think they actually grow people who excel at that skill.

maybe there are assigned days and the adorable one and i just didn't get the memo.


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