Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Okay, But It's Weird To Me

i can say this with honesty--i've always been a gal with a sizable appetite. any reader of this fair blog knows of my gargantuan sweet tooth (it's genetic, i swear) and as noted, i regularly write about food. because i love it and find it interesting. not as interesting as say, the adorable one, but food is way up there on my priority and interest list. not that i have an "official" list, but i'm the type of person always obsessing about their next meal.

anyhoosa, i don't know if it's the glucophage or the general lack of interest in most things right now, but my appetite has gone on vacation. i'm not stressed or sad or in a funk. i'm just not that hungry. and it seems weird to me, it really does. the upside of course is that my clothes continue to be looser, which yes, is quite the sweet deal and no, i would never complain about such a positive development. not that i'm complaining about anything, because i'm not!

and i get that it probably seems like a small item of note and something i should be happy about--i mean, who doesn't want to eat less? especially a woman? but as strange as this sounds and as wrong as it may be healthwise, i miss being able to, even once in a great while, have a little ole pigout. or put it away. or stuff myself silly.

feel free to call me crazy. c'mon, i can take it. and oh yes, chocolate donations are also welcome.


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