Sunday, November 05, 2006

For The Record

1. "the prestige" was shitty boring and too long. major disappointment. especially from the director of "batman begins" (my fav film of 2005) and starring the very smart and dreamy christian bale.

2. losing weight is great, it really is. luv, luv, luv that the clothes are starting to hang off me a bit. the adorable one, due to being totally supportive plus an evil stomach bug, has shed a good 20 pounds at least (maybe more). and while we do feel healthier and lighter (somewhat, but still have a very l-o-n-g way to go), i miss feeling full. i do. no matter what i eat, i never feel all that full. i tend to feel hollow most of the time.

and yes, i get that eating all this fruit is quite good for me. but i'm always gonna crave sweets. i don't know if it's because we just made it through halloween, but lordy my sweet tooth has gone beserk. i jones for cupcakes, cheesecake, apple pie, brownies--really anything wonderfully sinful.

and yes, it was probably good that i ate most of my bowl of berries for dessert at our team-building lunch on tuesday, but it sure as heck wasn't as satisfying as say a huge ole hunk of chocolate cake with chocolate icing.

does this officially make me a whiner? yay, that's what i thought.


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