Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

the good
my supervisor called me this morning, sensing that i was massively ticked from the cph's email yesterday. he was right to call as we had a good conversation and he heard my perspective, which is, hey it's not alright to sling potshots at me, via email or otherwise. and if you think i'm going to sit idly by and take it, well you would be wrong. very wrong. so even though i tattled on the bitch, he's gonna have a much-need (and as far as i'm concerned) long overdue talk with that loser.

the bad
i met with the project manager for the project due the day after my birthday and it's gonna muck everything up as expected. they won't have the pricing done until that day and it will be a massive scramble to the end so who knows how late i'll be there that night. plus, i get to miss the fabulous team-building event, which includes a private tour of the city's premier art museum. not how i wanted to spend my birthday, but there's nothing i can do. but complain about it. endlessly and incessantly.

the ugly
ever seen those diabetes blood sugar one-touch machines? you know the ones where you put a drop of blood on a little strip and then insert into the machine and it provides your blood sugar level? yay, i have one of those now, lucky me. the diabetes advisor actually told me that i am now, officially, allergic to sugar, and can only have things like a piece of chocolate cake, once a month, at best. and really, i should be avoiding anything and everything with sugar from here on out. and while i am not dying, have cancer, or anything horrible like that, i still feel like my life is over. i mean, no more cookies, ice cream, cake, on any kind of regular basis? might as well drive the car off the cliff.

the beauty
okaaaay, so i'm a little over dramatic. the silver lining in all this? the adorable one is not only going to be completely supportive, he'll be there for me every step of the way. and despite missed birthdays, heinous psycho coworkers, and being diabetic, nothing can change the fact that i married the man of my dreams. who will also be my toughest taskmaster. and in the end, my lifesaver.


Blogger abovo99 said...

One of my favorite movies is The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.

When I saw the title, I thought you're gonna write about the movie. But it turns out different and I like the way you take it in your own way. Intersting!

Thursday, October 05, 2006  

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