Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Feeling Better

so the anti-glucose medicine is helping, although i'm still having to take painkillers when i get home, and i'm still experiencing massive gastric distress every afternoon. thankfully and somehow i got an appointment to see my doctor tomorrow at 5:30 p.m. (i didn't even know she had afternoon, let alone evening hours--no more missing work for me!). the best part is when the painkillers kick in and i feel normal. i know i have a long way to go to getting better, like having a normal blood sugar level, but am hoping once i see my doctor we can start with a baseline and determine a plan to eliminate the need to be on insulin.

in other news, i had the weirdest dream the other night that caused me to scream in my sleep, so i freaked out the adorable one and abby. in my dream, i lived at home (yes, scary) and had my old twin bed that i could wheel around the room like a car, as it even had a rearview mirror. anyway, i can remember feeling creeped out, like michael meyers was hiding in the woods that i could see in the rearview mirror. for some reason i knew that some kid was missing and i would check the mirror to see if i could see him in the woods. and all of a sudden this guy appeared, i think he was the kid's dad, and grabbed my arm, and i started yelling. and that's when i woke up the household. i was so freaked out that we had to sleep with the hall light on. yup, i was wigged.

and ole cabbage patch head (the cph) is back to her old tricks. this afternoon she fired off an email that was full of potshots aimed at me. and of course, she copied our supervisor (mr. perfect) and our previous supervisor, who is now director of our department. because i refuse to lower myself to her level, i just continue to respond in a polite, professional manner. but i did forward her email to our supervisor with a note saying that her email was accusatory, unbecoming, and unprofessional. what really chewed me up? not only would she never send an email like that to anyone esle, i would never even dream of ever sending it to anyone at all. yay, i'm a tattler. but i'm sick of it and sick of her. she's a two-faced backstabber. it took all my restraint to not call and say, "what the fuck?" and "do you want a throwdown in the parking lot?"

the adorable one always advocates to take the high road, but it's hard. and i get tired of it. i don't necessarily want to sink to her level, but i wouldn't mind replying to her and advising that i'm not her whipping post, and that she needs to be more cognizant of the language she uses in her correspondence. anyway, best case scenario is that our supervisor spanks her. hard. but with my luck he'll want me to talk with her and i'm not going to do that. i've tried that and she deflects everything. majorly annoying. have i mentioned i hate her? yup, i positively hate her guts.

one day things will go my way. at least i hope they do and i'm going to trump her ace. the only problem? i'll have a helluva time keeping the shit-eating grin off my face.


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