Monday, July 10, 2006

It Could Have Been, But It Wasn't

a kidney stone. last night i wasn't very tired because i had not only slept in late (like 10:00 a.m.) and had taken a three-hour nap. so i finished my book and noticed my back was really sore, especially in my lower back, on the right-hand side. so i did what i always do, which is to take a pain reliever. i have a prescription from my urologist as i still have two very small stones in my right kidney and if they move around, at all, it can cause discomfort.

so i popped a couple pain relievers and was happy that they worked. and i probably would have had a decent night's sleep except that abby has exchanged personalities with nikki, in that she was extremely clingy and wanted to sleep right next to me, which is unusual for her--she usually disappears underneath the bed or the adorable one's dresser. but oh no, she decided she need to be petted for a good two hours, or so it seemed. finally around 4:00 a.m., she jumped off the bed and allowed me to get some shut eye.

somehow i hauled my sorry ass out of bed this morning. and managed to stay awake all day. which is why i'm going to beddy bye right about now.


Blogger Jennifer said...

HI I am a total stranger who as commented on your blog once before. I don't recall how I ended up here either time, but anyhow, I was wondering if your cat nikki was a Tortie Burmese? (I was unable to view the picture of abby)
Just curious- I am the proud owner of a Cream Burmese and don't see alot of them.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006  

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