Sunday, July 09, 2006

I'm A Vampire, I Think

yesterday i didn't get up until 11:00 a.m. granted, i had a helluva time getting out of bed from wednesday on. my snooze button took quite the beating as i just couldn't seem to get out of bed before 6:00 a.m., which is late for me. when we went to bed after midnight last night, which is late for us, it wasn't overly suprising that i didn't get up 10:00 a.m., except even that is kinda excessive.

so feeling like i didn't do anything yesterday (we saw "superman" and had dinner at a yummy healthy hawaiian eatery,) i went kinda beserko this morning. after putting away all the laundry, we tackled decluttering, which for us is actually a huge job. while it wouldn't like progress to anyone else, we actually got quite a bit done. i just have to get some boxes so i can continue packing stuff up.

after lunch at our favorite breakfast spot, granted it was after 2:00 p.m., i took a long nap. and didn't get up until almost 6:00 p.m. not really sure what exactly is wrong with me, but the last time i slept this much was about two years ago when i was unemployed and life was dismal at best.

the adorable one thinks i'm still in depression over our defunct pool. and because getting the house ready, even with the time we have, seems like an insurmountable task. people have told us to hire a professional organizer/declutterer, but i say that's bunk. we can do the job, it's just gonna take us time. and an effort not to be lazy.

which may mean less naps, although the call of the nap, really a siren call, is quite strong. i must resist, but i don't have any faith in myself. the reality could be is that i am a vampire . . . just not the bloodsucking type. which is good, as i don't really have a taste for it. and i like garlic.

okay, i'm not a vampire, but i sure as heck sleep like one.


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