Monday, June 05, 2006

Has Anyone Noticed

that nicole richie looks so anorexic that she resembles a holocaust victim? and that it's not attractive? i mean seriously, i've seen pictures of her on the people magazine website and in my crack weekly and every time she seems thinner, frailer, and like if you grabbed her arm it would snap like a twig. i can't understand why someone hasn't told her that when your collarbone, breastbone, and ribs are prominently shown in pictures it's not pretty. it's sick.

i don't like how i look either, but i'm never going to hate myself so much that i starve myself to death. in other celebrity-related news, no, i don't care that brangelina had their baby. but i am already sadly addicted to mtv's new summer shows "the hills" (lc, your friends suck) and "cheyenne." and i actually miss "8th & ocean."

you're right, i'm regressing. get over it. in the meantime, would someone get nicole a sandwich?


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