Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Uneffing Believable

so i stop off at the grubstore on my way home because i was making breakfast for dinner, which is something we really like. the thing is, i don't like grocery shopping. at all. because i'm usually starving and have to convince myself not to buy a package of cookies or chips or ice cream or candy bars. but i digress.

i make it through relatively quickly, as the store wasn't that busy. i'm waiting in line, minding my own business. then the lady in front of me, turns and says, "can i use your savings card?" now, i don't know what the rules are when it comes to letting other people use your savings card--for all i know the store doesn't want people using each other's cards--maybe they track all our purchases, i don't know. what i do know is that it completely took me surprise. i wasn't expecting it and just kind of stood there, so this lady other the other side of the checkout lane volunteered her card.

and what does the lady in front of me do? she turns and stares at me like i'm the bad guy. it's like "sorry honey, if you can't remember to bring your savings card, it's not my fault." and hey by the way, i'm your average tax-paying citizen, so don't treat me like a criminal. i'm just here buying groceries like everybody else.

so the evil bitch finishes paying for her stuff, profusely thanks her partner-in-crime and again looks at me like i've run over her dog. i'm like, "whatever. just move it along loser." so she starts to walk away and turns and gives me another look. and i'm not even making this up!

alright, so i am leaving the store, and there she is curbside loading the groceries into her bigass suv and yes, she gives me another look. maybe i killed her dog in another life, i'm not sure. anyway, in further proof that she and her husband are nuts, i'm putting my groceries in the trunk of my car and they have the balls to drive by and honk at me, so i finally lose it and just flip them off.

what the hell? i mean i would understand if i was snippy or super rude, but i was just kind of astounded that she wanted to use my card. for all i know i could have been busted by store security the way things are these days.

regardless, if i see her again, she's getting punted into the canned food aisle gratis of my cart at ramming speed. let's all hope that helps jog her memory and leaves a lovely grid mark on her sorry ass.


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