Monday, April 17, 2006

It's Interesting

how hard it is to cancel stuff, like the newspaper or phone service. you would think by the way their respective customer service representatives talk to you that you were committing some kind of crime. like if you don't have phone service, you are some kind of miscreant. the worst part was that they were willing to drop our prices, naturally, since we were canceling.

truth is, we barely use our telephone. we both hate talking on the phone and never get around to reading the paper, which only comes friday through sunday. i feel the deep guilt of all those trees being killed for naught. granted, our measley subscription won't save a forest, but every bit counts, as far as i'm concerned.

so to the customer reps i spoke with this afternoon, i'm sorry if it makes us uneducated wankers for not wanting to keep up on the daily news. i'm sorry if just having cell phones is enough. i'm sorry if our canceling those services causes you personally hardship, as that was not our intention. we just can get by with less.

or in our case, more squish. yup, we're uneducated wankers, no doubt about it.


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