one of the movie lines that i think of quite often is from "a midnight clear" starring ethan hawke that is about an american intelligence squad in germany during world war ii that are assigned to locate a german platoon wishing to surrender. it's an excellent movie, although sad and somber. anyway, one of the lines that ethan hawke's character says has to do with being scared all the time.
now, i don't go around in my daily life terrified of everything. but i do tend to get very involved in my work and can be easily spooked if someone sneaks up behind me, as my back faces the front of the cube. or really, i should call it a closet. but i digress. i thought it would be helpful to share the things that scare the beejesus out of me.
1. my car breaking down or getting a flat tire--don't know why, but the idea of being stranded on the side of the road terrifies me. i have a cell phone, i have aaa, and i have a wonderful husband who would rescue me from any situation. but it gives me the willies to think about it.
2. our house being broken into during the middle of the night--some times i think i should go against my anti-nra upbringing, spring for a glock, get trained, and keep a firearm in my nightstand. am i nuts?
3. being fired. this is an ongoing, every day thing due to being fired from two jobs. so i have an extremely high level of paranoia that i'm working to reduce. but it's tough. no one gets it but my husband. and the other people that were fired from the toxic waste dump.
4. the adorable one leaving me. i have a terrible fear of being abandoned. i would like to blame it on my mom going back to work when i was a wee one, leaving me with babysitters, but that's just being a cry baby victim.
5. getting cancer or some other horrid life-ending disease. i may be tired all the time and complain of chronic fatigue, but i take time each day to be grateful for being alive.
now, i don't go around in my daily life terrified of everything. but i do tend to get very involved in my work and can be easily spooked if someone sneaks up behind me, as my back faces the front of the cube. or really, i should call it a closet. but i digress. i thought it would be helpful to share the things that scare the beejesus out of me.
1. my car breaking down or getting a flat tire--don't know why, but the idea of being stranded on the side of the road terrifies me. i have a cell phone, i have aaa, and i have a wonderful husband who would rescue me from any situation. but it gives me the willies to think about it.
2. our house being broken into during the middle of the night--some times i think i should go against my anti-nra upbringing, spring for a glock, get trained, and keep a firearm in my nightstand. am i nuts?
3. being fired. this is an ongoing, every day thing due to being fired from two jobs. so i have an extremely high level of paranoia that i'm working to reduce. but it's tough. no one gets it but my husband. and the other people that were fired from the toxic waste dump.
4. the adorable one leaving me. i have a terrible fear of being abandoned. i would like to blame it on my mom going back to work when i was a wee one, leaving me with babysitters, but that's just being a cry baby victim.
5. getting cancer or some other horrid life-ending disease. i may be tired all the time and complain of chronic fatigue, but i take time each day to be grateful for being alive.
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