Tuesday, March 07, 2006

March Of The Penguins? I Think Not

yesterday the adorable one picked up "march of the penguins" from the library (hello, it's free!), so we watched it after dinner. i really don't know what all the hubbub is about this flick, because it was a major snoozefest. in fact, it reminded us of a typical nature documentary that we would have watched in grade school or junior high.

seriously, i have no idea how it could have been nominated for any awards as it was not anything extraordinary. in fact, we were so exhausted from watching the penguins try to survive the arctic winter that we marched right up to bed by 8:45 p.m.

personally, i would advise the penguins to shed some feathers or fur and head south. i hear the florida keys are real nice.


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