Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Over The Hump, In A Matter Of Speaking

so the diabetes medication, whatever it's called, has kicked in to the point where my pee doesn't seem so concentrated and i actually feel like my normal self, which i have to say, thought would never happen again. i was wrong as usual. i can't say if it's just the medication or because i've cut my food intake to a fourth of what it used to be. hard to say.

what isn't hard any more is the peeing itself. when my blood glucose level was off the charts it felt like i had to pee all the time and even when i did pee, not that much would come out, and it seemed like, i know this horridly gross, so stick with me, that my vagina's muscles would contract toward the end of the stream, making it very uncomfortable every time i peed. so it's safe to say that i haven't looked forward to peeing the past couple of weeks, but now i can pee and it's no big deal.

while it probably seems like no big deal, it actually is. i am just so happy to feel like me. it's like when the hives dissipated and i went back to being human. the next steps involve getting on an exercise program and figuring out a meal plan that works. as it is, i'm terrified to eat practically everything, so as a result, i'm eating next to nothing. which is not the way to handle it, so the meal plan is going to be crucial--it's like a delicate balancing act of figuring out which foods, portions, etc. raise my glucose level and what will keep it in a safe range.

we're making progress and probably the hugest hump we, or maybe me, had to get over was to realize that life as i know it, is not over just because i can't down five or six cookies in one sitting. alright, i get it, i sound over dramatic as usual, but the truth is, i don't feel like diabetes is a death sentence. far from it.

they say every cloud has a silver lining. if it took me being a type 2 diabetic to eat better, get in shape, lose weight, and be healthy, then it was a blessing in disguise. perhaps i'll live longer because of it. kind of a weird twist of fate, but i'll take it.


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